There are currently an estimated 1,833 hectares of avocado growing in the Algarve. Currently the contribution is already 20 million euros to the region's annual economy.
Addressing water concerns, the study further indicates that water used by avocado farming is, on average, 6,500 m3/ha per year, which is similar to the average for dominant crops, in some cases even less.
Poor journalism from theportugalnews,
how much ground water has been stolen? This is not reported.
Maybe the 40 million can pay for the return of water.
How much was this news channel paid for this article by the industry?
By Algarve residents from Algarve on 20 Jun 2021, 21:45
O avocate necessita 800 litros de agua para um kilo, e isso é um problema a ter em consideração.
Especialmente em certas regiões.
By António Mendes from Lisbon on 21 Jun 2021, 09:11
Only studies that are commissioned directly by the growers show water usage as equivalent or less than other similar crops! Independent studies show (with facts!) totally the opposite. Portugal "news" needs to start actually doing some research before publishing dubious claims from those with an obvious vested interest which are obviously false and and propagate damage to the environment and local economies.
By Stuart W. from Algarve on 22 Jun 2021, 07:27