But his wrath might well be extended to the celebrities, politicians and elitists who are to be seen in daily denial of the national emergency regulations many of whom have been caught unknowingly off camera chatting face to face without masks or visors. When they do wear a mask it is in a nonchalant style often slung under the chin and chosen more to promote corporate advertising than to protect others.
Sporting personalities celebrate success with hugs, kisses and dervish dances which are imitated by their fans who congregate in clandestine bars and clubs to exhibit their unmasked joy.
And then there is the ritual of the knocking of knuckles and elbows as a tactile substitute for the “high fives”, handshakes and embraces of yore. Hands, knees and bumps-a-daisy might be more appropriate .
There is a deplorable conviction among the under 50s that Covid-19 is a disease confined to the elderly or terminally ill and that lockdown is a necessity which can be safely ignored; that is until it is too late.
Roberto Knight
Cavaleiro, Tomar.
Covid19 – wilful disobedience
in Letters · 05 Feb 2021, 13:27 · 1 Comments
The views expressed on this page are those of the author and not of The Portugal News.
It's not just in the under 50s. I see the elderly just as likely to ignore mask-wearing in downtown Lisbon. I find that the Portuguese, in general, ignore social distancing, rarely wear masks unless required by law inside stores, and rely on their arguing skills to flaunt most rules imposed on them. It's no wonder Portugal got the 'prize' for being the most covid ridden country in the world. The cultural pessimism and helplessness interfere with an ability to take responsibility.
By Dom from Lisbon on 07 Feb 2021, 08:33