According to the same data from the Directorate General of Health (DGS) since the start of the vaccination plan against SARS-CoV-2, on 27 December, 433,475 people have already received at least one dose of the vaccine, and 96,701 people were inoculated last week.
In the Centre region, 163,749 people have been vaccinated, 34,271 more than last week, corresponding to 4 percent of the population, while in Alentejo, 51,347 people have received two doses of the vaccine, 6,683 more, also representing 4 percent of the population.
Lisbon and Tagus Valley is the region with the most vaccines administered 221,815, 49,844 more than the previous week, corresponding to 2 percent of the population, while in the North region the complete vaccination was administered to 219,961 people, 47,000 more.
In the Algarve region, 23,995 people have been vaccinated, 5,236 more than the previous week, which also corresponds to 2 percent of the region's population.
According to the weekly report that covers the period between 27 December and 21 February, 830,730 doses were received and 718,143 were distributed.
According to the data, 52,470 people aged 80 or over already have the complete vaccination, that is, the two doses of the vaccine, which represents 8 perceent of the population in this age group, while 126,259 people aged 80 or over received the first dose of the vaccine against the new coronavirus, which represents 19 percent.
The age groups 25-49 and 50-64 are those that appear in second place in the table as having the vaccination completed, both representing 3 percent, corresponding to 102,757 and 61,291, respectively.
These are also the age groups with the highest number of people with the first vaccination administered: 154,192 (in the 25-49 age group) and 102,444 (50-64 age group).
In the 65-79 age group, 36,921 people have been vaccinated, or two percent, and 24,108 people have been fully vaccinated, also two percent of the population in this age group.
In theory, an experimental treatment could turn out to be safe. But it is extremely worrying to me that this is being marketed as if it was a vaccine like any other, like a real vaccine that is certified as such and has 20 years of safety research behind it.
The large amount of misrepresentation towards these treatments amount to inability for the patients to form an informed consent and as such, even while there is no-one taking responsibility for any possible harm, it is a terrifying crime towards humanity, even if it turns out fine.
By Kari Lehto from Other on 24 Feb 2021, 11:37
Also, isn't there internationally, a law against coercion or rewarding for people to take part in a medically experimental treatment? Isn't it supposed to be based on informed consent and personal health risk assessment alone?
Doesn't the fact that these injections are experimental make all talk of possible relaxation on restrictions that would be based on consenting to there shots as violations of the laws on medical experiments?
By Kari Lehto from Other on 24 Feb 2021, 11:42
" 96,701 people were inoculated last week "
Lets say 100 000 dose per week
10 000 000 persons. Needing 2 doses each =>
Need of 20 000 000 doses.
20 000 000 / 100 000 gives 200 weeks => 4 years.
So with this pace it will take 4 years to finalize this vaccination !!!
By Gustav from Algarve on 24 Feb 2021, 13:39
Although I am 76 and have a heart condition, I am not expecting to be called for a vaccination. My doctor has tried twice in the past six months to obtain an appointment for me with an Orthopedists at my local hospital, on each occasion the reply has been, "the patient is dead"!
By Greg from Other on 24 Feb 2021, 14:30
So the UK has vaccinated more than population of Portugal, we therefore have the EU Commission advising not to give AstraZeneca vaccine to those over 65 ? so is the EU's petty little political game potentially costing lives ? Curiously now the commissioner and the powerhouse of Germany are saying no problem with vaccine, seems more political than care of their community. Oh by the way in UK my mother and friends have had the vaccine, physically not a problem mentally they feel great and free of fear. Think about it Politicians
By Pete Winup from Porto on 24 Feb 2021, 18:01
Absolutely disgusting. This is medical experimentation plain and simple. Anyone who is involved in this "vaccine" (which is not really a vaccine per say, more accurate would be to call it gene therapy) roll out will be held legally responsible.
By Joao from Other on 24 Feb 2021, 22:12
This vaccination programme is a crime against humanity. Simple.
By cheryl smallwood from Algarve on 25 Feb 2021, 10:26