In a report on human rights practices in Portugal, the US State Department considers that the country has been effective in enforcing the law that prohibits all forms of forced labour, but stresses that the penalties for these crimes "are not proportional to those of other serious crimes".
The report also warns civil society of "the need to strengthen the monitoring and regulation of temporary work agencies".
State resources dedicated to preventing forced labour, including inspections, as well as for law enforcement "remain inadequate", the report argues, adding that those convicted of such crimes "often manage to avoid prison, undermining enforcement and victim protection efforts", citing reports from non-governmental organisations and the media.
Based on data from the Observatory on Human Trafficking, victims of human trafficking of foreign nationality are exploited in the sectors of agriculture, construction and domestic service, while Portuguese are mainly exploited in catering, agriculture and domestic service.
As for child labour, the report points out that it occurred in "very limited cases", mainly related to the exploitation of Roma children in begging or coercion to commit crimes against property.
"Sub-Saharan trafficking networks are increasingly using the country as a route into the Schengen area to exploit children in sex trafficking or forced labour," the report states.
The US State Department also considers that "violence against women, including domestic violence, continues to be a problem" in Portugal, recalling court sentences that mitigate sentences to aggressors based on moral judgments about the behaviour of the victims.
"forced labor" seems to become the new US best seller in int affairs,,,,,
By Matt from Lisbon on 31 Mar 2021, 18:03
It's a sad fact happening more worse with the labours in all parts of the Portugal than you wrote here. Agricultural labour is in worse conditions n mostly are immigrants.
By Jami from UK on 31 Mar 2021, 21:46
I have bar & cafe in Santarém, and legal emigrant in portugal since 2020. twice in 4 months robbery attempted at my business, lost all my savings. But not even emotional , legal, financial help from any corner.
Already feeling stuck, god knows well.
By Shah nawAz from Lisbon on 01 Apr 2021, 00:37
The US is in NO position to lecture anyone on anything.Their criminal record , starting with the Indian genocide all the way to Irak where half million children were starved to death during the oil embargo ,the slavery in between, is appalling .
By Mohamed Boukadoum from Lisbon on 01 Apr 2021, 12:38