I surmise those prices will remain as the base for future increases ... they will never go down to the reasonable price that they once were. Remember what happened when the Escudo was replaced by the Euro...all prices were rounded-up permanently. Remember what happened when IVA was reduced ... restaurants rarely passed on any savings to its customers
I’ve no doubt tourists will pay the going rate as they know no better but I intend to boycott those establishments which - they will find to their cost eventually - are simply uncompetitive.
Ken Butterfield, By email
Very well said; but have you seen the prices of rents lately? They seem to be doubling by the day! Do people really believe that this pattern of hiking up prices and doubling, even tripling rents will be beneficial to the economy? Do people really and honestly believe that all the millionaires in the world want to retire in Portugal? Where will local people live???? It's sad to see the Portuguese become pushed out of their towns and thrown into dire poverty because of lack of regulations and free wheeling greed.
By K from Algarve on 25 Oct 2021, 18:03
It's called inflation, it's created by the money makers, and it'll get way worse. You ain't seen nothing yet, just look at oil and housing prices. Something is going to pop...
By Fred Doe from Algarve on 26 Oct 2021, 08:23