“In 2021, the Observatory for Trafficking in Human Beings received 318 signals from victims of trafficking, of which 308 victims were signalled in Portugal. Compared to 2020, the number of flags increased by 89 records, which means an increase of 39%”, said Francisca Van Dunem.
The data were advanced during the presentation of the project "Improving systems of prevention, assistance, protection and (re)integration for victims of sexual exploitation".
The official said that most cases of trafficking in human beings reported in Portugal are for the exploitation of labour and men.
Regarding trafficking for sexual exploitation, the minister said that few cases were detected, mainly involving women from countries in Central and Eastern Europe who are not members of the European Union.
Regarding the project "Improving systems of prevention, assistance, protection and (re)integration for victims of sexual exploitation", the minister underlined that this initiative will "certainly help to reflect, understand and combat" this phenomenon.