António Horta Osório, a banker at Crédit Suisse, considers that the Portuguese must be financially prepared so as not to have a “surprise shock” next year, warning that if there is economic growth in 2023, this will be lower than in recent years.
In an interview with CNN Portugal, the manager revealed that
"growth [in 2023], if any, [will be] much lower than the previous
ones" and, therefore, "the more the Portuguese are prepared, the more
they will be able to defend themselves, so as not to have a shock surprise".
In Horta Osório's opinion, next year will be "very
difficult" for Portugal, which is a "small open economy", but
has "some latitude to adjust to international impacts".
However, "that latitude is limited and there is no
doubt that unfortunately the worsening of food prices, the energy crisis,
greatly exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, have led to inflation that is
becoming generalised and should not be generalised - it is a hidden and unfair
tax on the society".
The manager believes that the idea that "banks have a
lot of money" has been nurtured, with which he does not agree: "It is
enough to see that listed banks in Portugal and in Spain and France are priced
below their book value, which has mainly to do with the fact that the return
that banks are having on capital - which is very high - is lower than the cost
of capital".
He explains, however, that banks have a lot of liquidity,
considering that this is important in terms of security. "It does not seem
to me that it is true that banks are making big gains because if you look at
the return on equity it is well below 10%", and the minimum return
required for a bank's equity is around 10% to 12%.
Didn' t that socialist prime minister say that there will be no inflation in Portugal next year? (exactly during the week when the IMF did say that there would be global inflation next year). Time for Portugal to actually get some politicians which know what they should be doing??? Or.... just sell more Golden Visas on the cheap.
By S from Other on 16 Oct 2022, 17:40
So they expect 10% or 12% now?
I remember a journalist asking Mr. Adrian of the ECB where did he get that 8% return threshold. [Mr. Adrian has said "there was no room for banks with returns under 8%]. A very wise question, I remember thinking at the time.
Now, they want 12%; in a world that will grow 3%, if it grows at all; in a Europe that will either stagnate or receed. Where does Osório get those wonderful numbers? Where does he expect the economic growth to support 12% financial gains will come from?
Where do Osório and Adrian think financial gains come from in the first place?
By Rui Duarte from Algarve on 16 Oct 2022, 17:49
I still reserve trepidation from politicians and bankers; I trust my eyes!
By Wesley from USA on 17 Oct 2022, 00:07
Destroy small businesses, stop people from working, and then blame a conflict that has nothing to do with either. On top of that, the EU has spent years annihilating their own independence for energy and food production, can't even feed or keep their own populations warm, but it's somebody else's fault?
Socialism always starts with 'pie for everyone' and ends with government advice on how to best cook your pets.
By hart from Lisbon on 17 Oct 2022, 05:17
The war in Ukraine, the Pandemic, the banks, the politicians. The Liars! Gas, food, fuel, climate. In short: FEAR! Designed in a cunning effort to squeeze you out, like a tube of toothpaste, until there's nothing left. And the above, well....guess what. But it's not too late!
By Olli B from Beiras on 17 Oct 2022, 06:34
I see many peole blaming socialism, socialists, but most forget that most economists are often wrong and politicians are no magicians, have to deal with he circumstances. However, what got us here was done under the wings of, in many EU countries, globaist, liberal and christian parties, only now one see socialist and greens at the helm here and there and god forbid, ultra right wing popping up as well.
By Jacques De la Haye from Other on 17 Oct 2022, 10:08
HO is not with Credit Suisse according to Credit Suisse in CH and was only there for a short time unfortunately. Better to mention his current commitments.
Whence the premise for this article?
Comments that followed were closer to the truth.
By Hugh Noble from Alentejo on 17 Oct 2022, 11:15
“Hart” of Lisbon you are so on the money with your comments. BMWs for those at TAP is just one example of what’s been going on for too long. Wake up people.
By L from Other on 17 Oct 2022, 13:02
Portugal is good country and its my aim
By Asif ali from Other on 17 Oct 2022, 17:04
It seems to me some sinister sector want a recession in the Western World. If you live in Portugal and are intellectually honest you know that everywhere you see queues of people buying like there's no tomorrow. Osório's opinion is either idiocy or has some very obscure intention.
By Diogo F. from Lisbon on 17 Oct 2022, 20:15
Whoa everybody, calm down. The Portuguese are strong willed people, always have been and always will be. Portugal will get through this and any other tough economy too. La Forca!
By Lisa from Other on 17 Oct 2022, 20:59
Lisa, what you call 'strong willed' others might call apathetic. Whilst I genuinely like the Portuguese people, they have enabled decades of government that has done nothing for them. Keeping them poor, keeping their country backwards and turning them into lifeless zombies. Blind obedience is not being 'strong willed'. This is a turning point for Portugal: they either recognise that they have the opportunity to detach themselves from the self-destructive EU and truly stand out as the only Western European nation where life is good, or go down with the ship, without some much of a beep.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. So yes, if you believe that the Portuguese should just keep suffering and shrugging off their inept and useless government that they keep voting for, then I suppose they're 'strong willed'. In being insane.
By Hart from Lisbon on 18 Oct 2022, 06:34
If the Portuguese government is so awful for its people why is the 10 yr bond yield .6% below the UK. While this goverment is by no means perfect it has no need for lurching to the right and I am glad I moved here.
By Craig from Porto on 18 Oct 2022, 13:45
I live in Turkey and the inflation rate in
there became 70% which is 10 times higher than the world average. Food and gasoline prices has gone up 10 times higher and people in the country where I live lose their purchase rate more than ever. So I believe that the situation in Portugal is rather compensable than the country where I live
By Ramadan from Other on 18 Oct 2022, 18:10
Hart, I never said the Portuguese people should just stand by and keep suffering. Perhaps you should reread my comments above. If you don't like living in Portugal and don't believe in our country and people, then it is best that you just move on out!
By Lisa from Other on 18 Oct 2022, 22:03
Hart knows his stuff.
Lisa - recommending people who disagree with you to leave Portugal reveals your depth.
By Joe from Alentejo on 21 Oct 2022, 05:57
Don’t look at Portugal on a stand-alone basis because Economics 101 teaches us that you have to distinguish the forest from the trees.
Therefore, on a global comparison, Portugal has actually performed well and I believe that it is poised to weather the upcoming storm fairly well. Its inflation rate and economic growth are better than those of many Western economies and its combined public and private debt are under control.
Now, there are two significant structural elements that generate risks in the event of a recessionary swing in Europe + UK and Switzerland: (i) dependence on foreign tourism (significantly British) and (ii) low productivity. On the first point, the fact that one of Portugal’s competitive advantages is price, it will soften the blow deriving from the likely reduction in Europe’ disposable income. Nonetheless, it is critical to improve passenger flows at airports , enticing airlines to add service and facilitate road travel. Also needing attention are the hospitality and real estate sectors where there are logjams caused by unnecessary bureaucracy and regulations. A quick fix would be to assist the local governments in accelerating the grant of permits and licenses.
With respect to low productivity, the government can tackle this variable by adjusting bureaucracy and regulations as long as the easing of these barriers is executed very gradually so to avoid a massive surge in unemployment. Increasing productivity would also start to address another critical challenge faced by Portugal: low salaries. Shifting to a healthier balance in GDP source between foreign and domestic avoids the unhealty dependence from economic factors it can’t control.
By Luca from Alentejo on 21 Oct 2022, 12:41
só long time when socialist and communist have power in Portugal,here is bad situation
By Erik from Other on 21 Oct 2022, 14:28