Among the projects that will be supported by the donation from the Dieter Morszeck Foundation are “the Center for Pediatric Development and Intensive Rehabilitation, the new structure for the creation of the root of Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA), and multiple improvements in Ophthalmology”, explained CHUA in a communiqué.
The foundation's contribution was formalised with the signing of a protocol, at the hospital in Faro, in a ceremony that was attended by the entire board of directors of the hospital, with Dieter Morszeck and the Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Alexander Rathenau.
The chairman of CHUA's board of directors, Ana Varges Gomes, said that the funds donated by the foundation "will benefit, above all, projects related to Paediatrics, from the Paediatric Development Center to medically assisted procreation".
In this way, the hospital centre achieves improvements in “physiotherapy areas for children with some type of pathology” and in “equipment that allows making diagnoses that, until now, were not possible” in the region, stressed the chairman of the board of directors, cited in the CHUA communiqué.
Ana Varges Gomes also considered that these improvements will allow children to “undertake their entire therapeutic journey in the Algarve, without having to leave the region”.
The foundation's president, Dieter Morszeck, highlighted the contribution that the donation makes to the hospital centre to "be able to help children", which he said are the "future", and expressed his "pride" at being able to help the health unit.
The honorary consul of Germany stressed the importance of yet another partnership between Portugal and Germany and thanked the foundation for its contribution to the projects that CHUA is developing.
The donation granted to CHUA has an “implementation period until February 2024”, noted the member of the administration Paulo Neves, stressing that, “for each euro now donated, CHUA must make the same investment amount, doubling” the amount to three million euros.