The tourist guide features portraits of memorials and monuments linked to catastrophes around the world, which the collective considers ironic, recognising that some tourists visit spaces of death and tragedy, often without realising the origins and causes of catastrophes.

With the production of Associação Cósmica, the guide was printed and presents, in one chapter, 24 monuments of Portugal, such as Cruz do Calvário, in Sesimbra, Capela dos Ossos in Campo Maior, the memorial in honour of the Fishermen of Lagoa de Santo André, in Santiago do Cacém, and the memorial to former political prisoners, in Peniche.

The documentary “Monumento Catastrofe”, also recorded in the country, is a complement to the international guide and portrays a journey through disaster spaces, stories and memories of collective deaths, where chaos is approached as a manifestation of political interests.

The activist collective has been in Lisbon since 2011 and told Lusa agency that it understands catastrophe as an ongoing process, with history and political, human, economic and ontological causes, questioning the reason for the creation of monuments linked to genocide, war, attacks and slavery, when the causes of disasters end up being ignored.

In a note, it can be read that, from the collective point of view, the public monument is “laden with ideology and functional values, serving more to legitimize established power than to repair communities affected by catastrophes”.

In addition to the virtual guides, 500 guides were printed for delivery during project presentations in Lisbon, Porto, the Algarve and Coimbra.

All the work of ‘Left Hand Rotation’ is free to access and is mostly available on the internet, at .