Recent record breaking emperatures in portugal have raised concerns about the long-term impacts of climate change in the country.
Scientists highlight the need for adaptation strategies to address the potential effects of changing weather patterns.
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According to a report by news channel RTP, abnormal heat waves across the Iberian Peninsula have led scientists to predict that Portugal may experience only two seasons in the future.
By TPN, in News, Portugal · 08 Oct 2023, 19:02 · 6 Comments
Recent record breaking emperatures in portugal have raised concerns about the long-term impacts of climate change in the country.
Scientists highlight the need for adaptation strategies to address the potential effects of changing weather patterns.
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In News, Portugal, Environment, Algarve - 15 Feb 2025, 12:02
Srop driving.
Stop thinking scooters and E bikes are eco friendly. Would you want their batteries in a landfill in your backyard?
Stop taking airplanes.
Stop lying to yourselves.
This is happening here and now.
By Judith Berns from Porto on 09 Oct 2023, 10:08
Where is the story? What 2 seasons?
By Vincent A Bonamo from USA on 09 Oct 2023, 11:12
Telling the general public to stop doing things is like rich people asking the poor to cancel world debt. Until the governments take it seriously the normal person makes not one bit of difference. That cardboard you put in the nicely coloured box at the end of your road still ends up in landfill. Portugal only recycles 28%.
By Terry Medford from Algarve on 09 Oct 2023, 13:23
@Judith - Stop watching the news
By Wesley Oliver from Lisbon on 09 Oct 2023, 15:51
Judith is right. Stop eating meat. Stop buying imported fruits and fruits that need a lot of water like avocados. Stop consuming so much. Stop having that many children, they would consume and produce as much CO2 as you, plus their children etc. Stop buying stuff, stop traveling. Walk to work or ride the bike. Minimise food consumption in general, try no to breathe that much. Feel guilty, die early. It's your fault after all, not greedy corporations that produce too much stuff and exploit people and resources.
By Tom Smith from Other on 09 Oct 2023, 18:35
Don't get sucked into the cunningly crafted climate hysteria.
By Russell Hicks from UK on 10 Oct 2023, 13:06