Every year, thousands of animals are abandoned: In 2021, the Official Collection Centers (CRO) received 43,603 stray animals and, last year, 41,994 animals were picked up on the street or delivered to the centres, according to data from the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF).

The slight decrease in 2022 hides an increase of more than 10,000 animals when compared to the reality experienced in CROs in 2020 and there are regional cases that go against the national trend, such as Lisbon or Torres Vedras.

Lusa analysed 10 random cities and in two there was an increase in animals collected between 2021 and 2022: In Torres Vedras it rose from 672 to 877 last year and in Lisbon, it went from 945 to 1,166 animals, according to ICNF data.

In the rest there was a decrease, with Sintra having just one less animal collected in 2020 (out of a total of 886) or Santo Tirso which went from 1,505 animals collected to 947.

Statistics point to a national reduction of 3.9% between 2021 and 2022, hiding local realities such as Lisbon, where the number of animals rescued has been increasing.

Speaking to Lusa, the person responsible for Casa dos Animais de Lisboa (CAL), Sofia Baptista, admitted that the upward trend could continue: “Since last year, and especially this year, we have felt an increase in the number of requests to receive the animals”, said the veterinarian and head of division at CAL.

She explained that among the requests for help, there are cases of families that have been evicted and others facing economic difficulties.