Sneak Previews are usually the trusted wannabes for the ‘rag trade’ as it was called, once upon a time. Nowadays we have to be politically correct. APAA’s business is SNiP’ing no frills no flounces. Simple. Spaying and Neutering Programme for abandoned animals, a kind of weapon, potentially introduced to keep feral cat numbers to a moderate size. Now, thousands upon thousands are taking over. Not only the fringes of suburbs, taking over urbanely, but risking the country-side areas where they are now in huge colonies.
Jenny Clarke, President of The Association for Protection of Animals Algarve has a small but hard-working team. “Zélia has her wicked methods of trapping cats and anyone that gets away has to reckon with the gloves and the cage the next time around!” Mm. “We have been so successful, that we are now moving into the communities where cats used to be friendly family pets.” Gone wrong somewhere? The breeding habits, we will not dwell on here. But leave it to MN (Mother Nature) and with a mere couple of kittens, a tribe will emerge within a short period of time. Cats don’t like outsiders. So, they will set up a colony and protect it vehemently to the last kitten. “No good popping in the odd cat into an existing colony without checking it out first. Our biggest problem is food. We have collection points and they are extremely successful, private donations are also a great help.” But? “More cats means more food!” A recent ‘Umbrella’ charity event brought several known and unknown charities together for a munch and swap ideas lunch. “All charities need more money and find ways to enrich the coffers so to speak.”
APAA’s Pop-Up’ shop ‘O Tasco’, Senhora do Verde. Monday 18th March 12-3pm. Friendly Menu is available. Book direct 282 471769. APAA’s AGA Tuesday 19th March ‘Recanto dos Mouros’, Silves. Raffle and mini ‘Pop-Up’ table. (Members only for AGA meeting at 11.30am). Lunch 12.30 Lamb Stew or Bacalhau and Prawns. Couverts, soup, dessert and drinks. 24€Members 26€Non.* Tuesday 23rd April Quiz Lunch and Raffle at VIMAR Grill Carvoeiro 12.30 for 1.00. Roast Pork or Dourada. Couverts, veg soup, desserts, drinks etc.* Convent’bio Lagoa, Friday 5th April. 11-4pm. Restaurant open. Can’t make it to a ‘Pop-Up’ or event? Visit Charity Shops in Alvor and Silves. Ornaments, duvets, rugs, and larger household items. Browse and meet friendly staff. Also Jenny’s jams, preserves, marmalades, and Jackie’s cookies too!
‘Here to Help’ APAA’s Motto. All profits are specifically for SNiP and abandoned animals. Helping other groups, shelters and charities large or small, increasing awareness amongst Algarvean communities, reducing numbers of feral cats and re-homing dogs.
*Book direct with Jenny (+351) 919 041 903 Or General info.apaaportugal@gmailcom Cat Colonies: