Each package came with a homemade cake and a note which read, ‘Somebody loves you’. This story has really stayed with me. This beautiful act of compassion will have made a massive difference in those people’s lives.
It reminds me of when I was a child and it was the week before Christmas; we were in hard times and one day we woke up to find that The St Vincent De Paul Society had placed a Christmas food hamper on our doorstep! My mother later told my sister and I that she had been desperately praying for help and it came!
Mahatma Gandhi once said that, “the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members”.
When I hear this phrase, my thoughts often then turn to how the big companies are making more and more money and everyday people are really struggling. But big companies aren’t the total sum of what makes up our society. Society is about the people, the individuals who share this world with us, not the anonymous, big, greedy corporations.
So then I think about the acts of kindness I witness all around me-the neighbour who collects baby equipment for the local women’s rescue, the lady in Lidl who paid for a mum’s shopping when her card was declined, an amazing woman I know who fights to get people cleared of unfair repossession orders, the list goes on.
When you are open to it, you see it all the time! When I was driving yesterday, I got caught in traffic and the little girl in the passenger seat in the car next door waved, so I waved back and this was repeated until her line of traffic moved ahead. A joyful moment in a long car journey!
These seeds of compassion that we sow will grow into a beautiful garden of love and happiness, and the more people who do it, the further the happiness will spread and our lives can be woven with strands of kindness and love holding it together.
If we focus on what’s going right with the world, rather than the opposite, it’s amazing how positive we begin to feel. Life’s a gift and we can choose how we want to pay this gift forward so that everyone has a chance of experiencing a life in which they feel loved.
Letting you know that you are all loved,
Sally Heart
Sally saw Angels as a child and could occasionally see and feel people who had passed over. This ability grew as she got older and she now gives readings, as well as channelling Ascended Masters. She often works with Mary Magdalene and channels information from Lord Kuthumi. She is available for readings and spiritual development sessions both online and in person (heaven2heart).