“I confirm that a complaint was filed and that a disciplinary process was opened”, said Alexandre Valentim Lourenço, president of the Southern Regional Council of the Order.
The complaint received at the OM is “related to the questioning” that Fernando Nobre made to the Assembly of the Republic, when the demonstration was taking place, said Alexandre Valentim Lourenço.
This process now has a “term of instruction, inquiry, evaluation and he will have to respond. It is part of our disciplinary regulation”, said Alexandre Valentim Lourenço, adding that disciplinary processes are the responsibility of the disciplinary councils where the doctor is registered, in this case, the Disciplinary Council of the Southern Region of the Order.
Fernando Nobre is the founder and president of the non-governmental organisation Assistencia Médica Internacional (AMI), was a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic in 2010 and elected deputy for the PSD in the 2011 legislatives, having resigned the mandate a month later, after having failed the election for Speaker of Parliament.
On October 22, 2020, the doctor appealed to deputies to vote against the obligation to wear a mask in the street, claiming that fundamental rights and freedoms were at stake in a subject that did not meet scientific consensus.
Speaking to Lusa at the time, Fernando Nobre defended that the Constitution of the Republic ensures a set of rights, freedoms and guarantees that, in his opinion, would be at stake with the approval of the mandatory use of masks on public roads.
“I feel coerced into my freedoms, rights and guarantees which are undeniable and which cannot be subject to interpretation because this can become dangerous. Hence, I appeal to the deputies, the President of the Republic (who is a constitutionalist and jurist) and the Constitutional Court, please watch over the rights, freedoms and guarantees of all Portuguese citizens”, he said at the time.
In his intervention at the demonstration, Fernando Nobre considered it "unbelievable" to vaccinate children and young people aged 12 to 16 and said that he treated himself, as well as his wife and daughter, with medications that are not recommended for Covid-19, “In a week we were all fine”, assured Fernando Nobre.
Omdat ik alternatieve geneeswijze heb gestudeerd, met als specialisatie Natuurgeneeskunde, weet ik dat de 2 medicijnen die goed werken tegen de Corona virus uit de handel zijn genomen. Diverse malen heb ik gelezen dat diverse artsen een van deze medicijnen hebben voorgeschreven, zelfs internationaal met een goed resultaat. Deze middelen zijn inmiddels verboden, om vooral de vaccinatie van de bekende merken aan te bevelen. Ik vind de Heer Dokter Fernado Nobre een held, dat hij dit heeft gepubliceerd. Ons lichaam is geen eigendom van de Staat. Ieder mens heeft uitsluitend de exclusieve autonomie over zijn lichaam. Geen enkele politicus, ambtenaar of arts heeft het wettelijke of morele recht om mij te dwingen een niet -gelicentieerd , experimenteel vaccin of enige andere medische behandeling of procedure te ondergaan zonder mijn geïnformeerde toestemming. Dat men zo ver gaat om Dokter Fernando Nobre aan te klagen voor het Medische Tuchtraad is een schande van het ergste soort. Ik hoop dat vele mensen hem willen steunen.
Door Yvonne Koster from Algarve on 24 sep. 2021, 10:48