In a statement, ANS states that the Ribeira d’Ilhas race, which runs until 11 April, is the first of five in the 2021 calendar, without, however, specifying the dates of the remaining tests. "Although no more dates are yet known, it is already possible to see a first 'outline' of the calendar for 2021, with the five stages of 2020 to be repeated in 2021, although not in the same order," the statement said. After the inaugural race, the Portuguese surf league, a competition that defines the titles of national champions, should, according to ANS, go to Figueira da Foz, with events scheduled in Porto, Sintra and Cascais.
Portuguese surf league kicks off on 9 April in Ribeira d'Ilhas
De TPN/Lusa, in sport · 24 mar. 2021, 13:42 · 0 Comentarii