During this period, the PSP also carried out 996 awareness-raising actions with 2,067 people present, the Public Security Police said in a statement, which, as in previous years, is developing this national operation, which runs from 1 February until 31 October and involves "two distinct phases".
The first phase, called Alpha, took place between 1 February and 14 May and focused on awareness-raising actions among the population, as well as inspection actions with forest and/or rural land owners, primarily in the areas defined as priorities regarding the monitoring of fuel management.
The Bravo phase has been underway since 15 May and will end on 31 October, PSP said, adding that during this phase, prevention and active surveillance actions will be carried out in rural and forest areas, as well as in intermediate areas considered to be at risk.
Since 1 February, more than 3,000 patrols have been carried out by police officers that make up the Environmental Protection Brigades (BRIPA), created by the PSP in 2006 with the specific mission of dealing with environmental issues, which have mainly carried out these awareness and surveillance actions.
"Although the work of the BRIPA is directed at environmental issues, all police officers are committed to preventing and monitoring potential risks of triggering or spreading rural fires, adopting above all a preventive and educational stance with the owners of forest/rural land, having been performed 3,139 patrols since 1 February," says the PSP.