In a note, AMN states that the waves will come from the south-southwest quadrant, with a significant height that could reach five metres and a maximum height of nine metres, with an average period varying between nine and 12 seconds.
Forecasts also point to winds from the south-southwest quadrant, with an average intensity of up to 84 kilometres per hour (km/h) and gusts that can reach up to 152 km/h.
The authorities ask the entire maritime community and the general population to take precautions both at sea and in coastal areas, in particular by reinforcing the surveillance of anchored vessels, avoiding walks along the sea or in areas exposed to rough seas such as cliffs or beaches, as well as avoiding recreational fishing, especially near cliffs and cliff areas frequently hit by breaking waves.
Mainland Portugal and the Madeira archipelago will once again be affected on Wednesday by a new depression that will bring rain, often heavy and accompanied by hail and wind, meteorologist Pedro Sousa from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) told Lusa.
“A new depression is approaching from Wednesday, moving from the Atlantic to mainland Portugal, which will bring a new worsening of the weather and should remain for a few days,” he added.
The depression will also hit Madeira Island on Wednesday, with heavy wind and rain.