In a statement, the council states that public tenders have already been launched, for the qualification of the Cavado riverside and for the creation of a municipal network of river beaches.
The Mayor of Braga, Ricardo Rio, stresses that the two new beaches will “reduce the pressure that exists on the Praia Fluvial de Adaúfe, which annually attracts many thousands of visitors”.
“Braga will gain two more river beaches with the necessary infrastructure, which will provide comfort and safety to its users”.
The execution of the river beach of Cavadinho is estimated to cost 437 thousand Euros and has an execution period of ten months, covering the intervention in two different spaces: the first, at a higher level, and the second near the riverside of Cávado River.
The project includes the creation of a car park, the renewal of the access road to the river with the general reconstructions of the walls, the articulation with the channel of the Cávado river eco path, the creation of a picnic area and a bar/equipment river support.
On the river beach of Navarra, the intervention represents an investment of 451 thousand Euros and will focus on four essential points: the creation of a car park, the space between the parking and the bar/equipment, access and enjoyment of the riverside and construction of a river support bar.