Manuel Lobo Antunes, the Portuguese Ambassador to the UK, was asked by Sky News when the borders will be opened to allow tourists to visit Portugal, to which he replied: “As soon as possible, this is not just a unilateral matter, we have to coordinate this issue with our British friends and the UK government.
"But we are hopeful, as we have been saying for these last months, that from the middle of May, regular mobility between the UK and Portugal and vice versa, can be established, that’s our hope.”
Asked if British tourists who have not been vaccinated will be able to travel to Portugal he said: "Yes, that’s the idea, that’s what we wanted, to as much as possible go back to the regime that existed before the pandemic.
"It’s in that direction we are working and that is possible."
Ho prenotato dal 21 maggio per 1 mese una casa a portimao e un volo da Roma a Lisbona per il 21 . Tutto già pagato. Ma aprono le frontiere ai turisti dopo il 16 si o no? Spagna Italia Grecia SI
scritto Claudio Conti from Algarve on 05 mag 2021, 17:35