"The number of Covid-19 cases hospitalised in Intensive Care Units (ICU) on the continent showed a growing trend, corresponding to 56% (in the previous week it was 50%) of the defined critical value of 255 occupied beds", indicates the pandemic risk analysis.
The weekly report of the Directorate-General of Health (DGS) and the National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) states that in the last week there was a growing number of patients admitted to the ICU, 11% more compared to the previous week.
According to the report, the Central and Northern regions have an occupation as a percentage of the alert level above the threshold of 66%.
The North region has an occupation of 69% in UCI, the Centre has 79%, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo 36% and the Alentejo 36%.
The “red lines” highlight that the Algarve region has reached the ICU occupation alert threshold, having already reached 100%.
The age group with the highest number of cases of Covid-19 admitted to the ICU is between 60 and 79 years old, totalling 92 cases in this age group, in which a growing trend can be observed from the first weeks of October.
“In recent weeks, the age group 40-59 years old has also shown a growing trend”, indicates this document.