Portugal’s president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will this afternoon be hearing the nine parties with parliamentary seats on the renewal of the State of Emergency, a process that should be concluded by tomorrow. Audiences for political parties in Belém Palace in Lisbon, are scheduled for between 2 pm and 7 pm, in ascending order of parliamentary representation.
The current State of Emergency ends at 11.59pm next Tuesday, December 8th. If it is renewed for another 15 days, the new period will start at 00:00 on December 9th, until 11.59pm on December 23rd.
The President and political parties all meeting to beat around the bush whilst hundreds of thousands lose their livelihoods. Welcome to our democracy.
And we all thought a dictatorship was bad enough.
The real world is where darkness always rule the light.
Anyone ready for the change ?
December 21st 2020.
By Pedro.R from Lisbon on 03 Dec 2020, 13:15