The Movement to Support the Admiral for the Presidency (MAAP) has António Brás Monteiro, José Manuel Anes and Paulo Azevedo Noguês. Cristina Valente and Manuel Ferreira Ramos as founders.
MAAP expresses that the movement “is plural and non-partisan, bringing together citizens who believe in the importance of leaders who know how to mobilise will, ensure stability and strengthen trust in institutions.” In the same statement, MAAP states that the world is facing a “time of internal and external challenges”, defining the movement as an “expression of active citizenship, which seeks to contribute to a serious and constructive debate on the future of Portugal.”
MAAP is still waiting for the formalisation of the candidacy for Presidency of the Republic from the Admiral before pursuing with any initiatives and clarifying the objectives of the movement. For now, according to Lusa, the group will be reserved about its activity.
The movement supporting Gouveia e Melo believes that “Portugal needs leaders who put the national interest above any personal or party agenda, with a strategic vision and commitment to the common good” and guarantees that it will work “seriously and responsibly” to build the country's future.
The group called, in Portuguese, “Movimento de Apoio ao Almirante à Presidência”, was not allowed to use the name of Henrique Gouveia e Melo, due to legal reasons, as explained by the association.
Although not confirmed yet if the Admiral will be or not a candidate for presidency, he has already mentioned that is moving to “a new phase” in his life, without further clarification of what those statements mean. Nevertheless, according to Expresso, the Admiral Gouveia e Melo was not happy with the formalisation of the group that supports his possible candidacy to the Presidency of the Republic.
On 10 January, he argued, in Expresso da Manhã podcast, that investment in Defence in the country and in Europe should be a theme of the campaign for the presidential elections in January 2026, without advancing the possibility of his candidacy.
Deeply in love with music and with a guilty pleasure in criminal cases, Bruno G. Santos decided to study Journalism and Communication, hoping to combine both passions into writing. The journalist is also a passionate traveller who likes to write about other cultures and discover the various hidden gems from Portugal and the world. Press card: 8463.