To my SURPRISE on page 2 I read the artical: “Portugal no longer “fully democratic country”?
Due to all restrictions impossed due to the pandemic.
As a swede I do not agree.
Comparing with Sweden Portugal made EXACTLY what Sweden ALSO should have impossed! The total failure of not doing this shows in the high covid figures Sweden has.
Still nothing about impossing the most obvious!! Mouth protection!!
Portugal started out with a strict impossing of mouth protection, limited persons in shops etc.
Sweden did NOTHING! And Still do nothing!
Corona cases have now been sky rocketing in Sweden!
Also in Portugal and on the Algarve.
But there is one thing we have noticed. In late autumn, August-September and onward a lot of British tourists arrived on the Algarve.
No-one wearing mouth protection! Invading bars and restaurants.
As Britain has been structed with most of the really harmful variants of Corona the raise of Corona cases in Portugal may have an explanation?
It is still like this, if you meet a person without mouth protection it is always a British person.
My suggestion, give the GNR and Police more authority to fine the people not wearing or clearly showing a mouth protection.
There is NO excuse for not using any kind of mouth protection!
We all owe this to Portugal and the Portuguese people!
P.Ledges, By email
Dear P.Ledges
According to the WHO, you should use a face mask if you can´t keep 1m distance outdoors. The only large prospective randomized study of covid-19 infections and face masks was recently published, and no significant benefit was found in wearing a face mask. And they used surgical-grade mask compatible with N-95, not just “any” mask.
Regarding freedoms in Portugal and many other countries, it is obviously currently drastic restricted. Globally, there is no correlation between either morbidity or mortality and the severity of restrictions. Sweden, which has few limitations, are now experience fewer deaths than Portugal. But you want more restrictions!
When you say "as a swede" do you mean that you speak for all Swedes? Or that you as a Swede have a unique perspective? I am Swedish and do not agree with anything you write.
Are you aware that hundreds of thousands of children has starved to death, and more are in the pipeline. Hundreds of millions have lost their jobs, millions have lost their business and people are losing hope, especially the young ones, and on, and on, due to restrictions. And all you can think about is harsher measurements and more government control.
Please do your own research before lecturing others.
By Nils from Algarve on 21 Feb 2021, 10:32
It sound so fearful and so right to wear a Mask even if it hurts the wear. For it is unnatural in life to wear mask in sunlight give Virus is killed in sun light.. This needless government fear of virus and idea mask mandated and which has NOT affected the virus abilities to exist for over year now. Why should one be forced to wear a mask by Government where citizens can choice not to be around people without mask wear their own mask which protects them but NO irrationality for political destruction of freedom by Marxist rulers. .
If your in FEAR and one person is wearing a mask you cannot get the virus without lot of effort. You do not NEED two people wearing a Mask. Mask has not really done to much but has made lot for medical companies very rich. it is about MONEY and government power.
Deal with facts. How do get this virus through mouth, eyes and nos. You only can give it through mouth. If cover the mouth ONLY then you cannot give virus makes it hard.
Why do two people need to wear a Mask give rick is SO low if one person is just wearing mask. IT about risk and cost. What this political virus has done to harm people through government order is unmeasurable.
People who support fake mask out fear is in charge so death fallows them. They kill life. They are NUTS running the show and we have to obey Marxist government ignoramus's employees that cause us harm. Suffering comes with government dictatorship.
This fake confused hoax mask ideas hurt people that wear mask more than protect for want . Come on do not let government females make you weak in life.
By Scott M. Bartley from USA on 22 Feb 2021, 20:09
Mr Editor, your statement, "if you meet a person without mouth protection it is always a British person" is bbsolute rot! I have lived in my town for 14 years and there are less than a dozen Brits here, most of whom I know. The people who I see walking around without masks are the Portuguese, mostly teenagers who have no regard whatsoever for social distancing. In my sreet lives a Portuguese who sells cars from his home and most week-ends he has gatherings of groups of people lookkng at his cars despite the lockdown and guess what, maybe one in five is wearing a mask.
By Greg from Other on 08 Mar 2021, 17:15
Sverige är nu en av de platser i världen som kämpar emot den nya nazismen som Covid 19 representerar, det är sjukligt att en säsongsinfluensa som inte alls är farlig har utnyttjats av onda krafter, Rödskrikan i Sveriges riksdag som är medlem av Bilderberg gruppen vill stänga ned näringslivet, Tegnell och Giesecke kämpar emot galningarna.
En pastor 80 år gammal och hans fru fick Wuhan influensan och var friska efter några dagar, jag hopppas att fler ansluter sig till För Frihet Sverige och tar kampen mot det som pågår, det är något mycket sjukt att sätta på masker på människor, friska människor blir sjuka av att se masker överallt och mögel och bakterier frodas inuti maskerna, i USA anordnas nu bränna mask event där maskerna brinner i soptunnorna!
By Magnus from Other on 08 Mar 2021, 19:04