The document, discussed in a private meeting of the local authority, had already been presented by the PCP councillor at the end of last year, on the day that marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and taking into account that Lisbon is European Capital of Sport this year.
"This set of events, more than being punctually marked, should leave marks in the development of the city", underlined the PCP councillor Jorge Alves, during the presentation of the proposal, adding that it is "possible and desirable to build a sports equipment" that "has special features insofar as it is possible for people with disabilities to practice several sports activities".
The mayor said on the occasion that athletes with disabilities can only practice sports activities in the "few pavilions" that exist, which "are not dedicated" and "on top of that they can only" train "when all other athletes have left the free spaces".
Some spaces are only available "in the middle of the morning or the middle of the afternoon", an unbearable situation for those who have a professional activity, and from "eight, nine in the evening", a time that is not compatible with the municipality's mobility support service.
"Disabled sports practitioners are constantly faced with barriers that limit their access to sports facilities that do not comply with the technical standards on accessibility defined in the legislation in force, and even by the devaluation of their sports participation," the proposal stresses.
According to the document, the Lisbon City Hall, chaired by Fernando Medina (PS), should also requalify the municipal sports facilities that still do not comply with the accessibility regime provided by law and support the collectivities and associations, "through adequate financial means, for the rehabilitation and requalification of their sports facilities and social headquarters".
At the meeting, the local authority also unanimously approved the launch of the public tender for the construction of a sports pavilion at Parque das Nações, worth 3.3 million Euros.
The equipment, comprising a sports pavilion and a gymnastics and dance room, will be located at Parque das Nações Integrated Basic School and, in addition to catering for students, may be used, "during after-school hours, by the local population and sports clubs," the text of the proposal states.