Starting a new chapter is always exciting - buying a property, maybe starting a business, or learning a different language. However, since the beginning of the pandemic, many people have had to suspend these dreams for a while.
This is not a surprise. Since March 2020, the number of appointments available with the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) has dropped dramatically causing difficulties for many investors with golden visas.
SEF biometric appointments: 3 different experiences
Day after day, the wait is endless. Daniel, a US citizen, is worried that even with six months left his visa may not be completed in time and he may not be able to obtain residency according to the rules in force.
This situation occupies his thoughts from morning to night. “I can barely focus on anything but awaiting my SEF biometrics appointment, the train that never comes. I check for new openings a dozen times every day, and they are never available”, he said.
“I have applied through the “golden visa” programme because my work requires me to travel frequently, and I can’t be in Portugal full time until later in life.”
Since then, his life has been a nightmare. “I have not been able to travel to Portugal since I applied for residency. I am pleased and grateful that SEF approved my application for residency in only two months, ahead of the three month estimated processing time. The next step is to meet with SEF for a biometrics appointment, but SEF has not been accepting any new appointments since my application was approved”.
Daniel loves this southern European country and can’t wait to start a normal life in Portugal. By normal he means very simple tasks like opening a bank account or getting a vaccination certificate, but this situation makes it difficult to plan his life. However, his passion for Portugal remains stronger than ever, he is determined to read and write Portuguese fluently.
“I have meaningful and comfortable conversations with Portuguese friends in their own language, watch Portuguese shows, and embrace a 100 percent Portuguese identity. If I have kids some day, they will learn many languages, but I want Portuguese to be their first language.”
In a similar situation is Ted, who has been waiting for an appointment with SEF for over a year. “I am applying for the ARI or “Golden Visa” investment scheme. My application was submitted back in May 2020 (all the paperwork, investment dollars are in Portugal already) and I am still waiting for a biometrics appointments”.
Ted fell in love with Portugal from the start and hopes to move to the country as soon as possible, but that day seems far from happening. “Since we signed up, Covid happened, so it’s not SEF’s fault. But biometric appointments have since basically been unavailable”. Therefore, he believes that SEF should stop receiving more applications until this is resolved.
But Ted is not alone. Another North American who spoke to The Portugal News is passing through a similar situation and he is worried about the negative effects on the country’s investment that this situation can bring.
“It is frustrating because I hear of the difficulties many people in Portugal have from lack of tourism and many foreigners have a sincere desire to help. Many people seeking the ARI visa are those that can come to Portugal and start companies, create jobs, spend money, invest in Portugal but it is discouraging when we hear about irregularities”.
“2021: 445 residence permits granted for investment”
The Portugal News has spoken to SEF in order to get some clarifications. According to SEF: “Due the pandemic situation and the security measures that SEF had to adopt, the number of possible services was reduced. Even though citizens who saw their appointments cancelled due to the suspension of service, between 13 February and 16 April, were notified of new appointments, in a total of about 41,400.”
In addition, “445 residence permits for investment were granted, in the amount of €237,650,555.33 since the beginning of the year until 30 June”.
When asked about the lack of appointments for golden visa applicants, SEF replied that under the ARI (Residence Permit for Investment Activity), between 1 January and 29 July 2021, 1,955 appointments were provided, noting that “until the end of September, 1,627 ARI appointments have been scheduled”.
SEF pointed out that “in the same period, 2,400 people with appointments for ARI did not attend, ending up filling a spot that was intended for other citizens.”
However, each experience can be different. There are people who have gone through a much easier process. All in all everyone seems to agree that having a good lawyer in Portugal (who is used to the national system and rules will know how to better inform you about the best programme, etc) could be a good start.
Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252

Hiring a portuguese lawyer is the ONLY way to get an appointment. Period. We officially began our immigration process from the states in May of 2020. I spent about 3000€ total in legal fees (probably less) and we are living in Portugal (arrived in February '21). We have our 2 year temporary residency cards (didn't need to mess with Gooden Visa, but took the D7 route). After 5 years, we'll have citizenship. Our SEF appointments were rescheduled once, but they happened. The lawyer is CRUCIAL. I can not stress that enough. The legal fees were much lower than I anticipated.
By Ian from Beiras on 06 Aug 2021, 09:16
Let's be honest Golden Visa's, no matter what country, do not help the majority of Citizen's in those countries...They help Lawyer's, Real Estate folk's, government officials and etc. The trickle down effect is laughable and before Covid-19, these institutions, S.E.F. and etc. where plagued with red tape and corruption...Now there are coming to light for those who thought Portugal would be an easy place to Scheme the Population with there feel good stories of wanting to help...Boa Sorte!
By Sakamoto Saurez from Lisbon on 06 Aug 2021, 10:56
Lets bring in more weirdo´s that buy expensive property, raise the prices and hardly add anything to the country.
By Pedro from Lisbon on 06 Aug 2021, 11:24
This is really a severe problem, a severe pain for us. We invested one year ago and still waiting for the appointments. This has become a huge disappointment and I regret fully having invested at all. I do have decent lawyers but they can't do much if appointments do not open. The real solution lies in the hands of the Government and SEF. There is urgent need for a solution that will overcome this suffering.
By Erdy from Other on 06 Aug 2021, 12:33
I've been waiting for my appointment with SEF since March 2020. The week I submitted my application was the week we had the COVID lockdown. I've been unable to leave the country, go to my grampa's funeral, and work in Portugal because I'm still waiting. I don't feel too badly for people who can afford a Golden Visa tbh.
By Caitlin from Lisbon on 06 Aug 2021, 13:18
Golden Visa a joke. !!!!!!. Giving money people a lop hole to get into Portugal for next to nothing. Then when they settle they want to change the way the country is run for there benefit. Wake up Portugal you are been taken for idiots by people with money while your own people live on the bred line.!!!!!!
By Me from Lisbon on 06 Aug 2021, 13:53
I am waiting for biometric card since brexit and because of covid it has been imposisble to get an appiontment with SEF , like many others living in the algarve.
Reading the article I think the comment below
“It is frustrating because I hear of the difficulties many people in Portugal have from lack of tourism and many foreigners have a sincere desire to help. Many people seeking the ARI visa are those that can come to Portugal and start companies, create jobs, spend money, invest in Portugal but it is discouraging when we hear about irregularities”.
Made me think just because they are bringing money into the country why do they think they have the right to buy an instant appointment at sef ahead of the people that live here ?
By Alan from Algarve on 06 Aug 2021, 14:06
We applied for residency and notified SEF in 2020, to beat brexit, and whilst we have residency we are still waiting for a SEF biometrics appointment to get our blue cards.
While my partner was provided with her Portuguese driving licence using the SEF application papers, I have not. I have today been to a lawyer so they can sort it out, as we need to buy a car so we can find a house to buy.
Having read this article I think I shall ask the lawyers to also try to get a biometrics appointment with SEF too.
By Toby Flux from Other on 06 Aug 2021, 18:02
We are so thankful that we arrived in Portugal pre-covid. Even then visa approval took 4 months but we got here without assistance. We were close to shelling out $2,000 to an attorney to help us with no guarantees the day our visa came through.
By Lisa from Porto on 06 Aug 2021, 18:58
Been waiting for the biometric card for 2us now its through marriage as my wife is Portuguese. Rang them a couple of days ago to be told I'm now a Portuguese citizen but they are now waiting for my Portuguese birth certificate to be printed ?
By Michaek Carrier from Alentejo on 09 Aug 2021, 05:45
Golden visa is offered to encourage people to invest in property in this country, those same people then HIRE gardeners ,pool maintenance, security company & villa care company & cleaners all at a considerable cost . We have invested our lifesavings in a family holiday home here & we qualify for the golden visa but we don’t need it & won’t be applying. What I am saying is we do contribute to the economy just by owning our villa .we also spend a lot of money in the shop’s & restaurants here ????????♀️
By Marie Musa from Algarve on 11 Aug 2021, 10:04
If you get a D7 visa your appointment is printed in the passport, however with a Golden Visa approval you just wait and wait and wait for a biometric appointment. Meanwhile your main property in Portugal that was purchased a year ago stands empty and we cannot move on with our lives. Yes we have a lawyer but the whole appointment scheduling is a huge spanner in the works.
Why issue Golden Visa approvals if SEF cannot issue biometric appointments?
By Puzzled from Other on 21 Aug 2021, 01:43
Dear Sakamoto,
Can you please give me contact details of lawyer, i need assistance in same matter.
Best regards
By Fatteh from UK on 23 Sep 2021, 16:16
I managed to get a SEF appointment scheduled for 3 months or so after my visa approval (the latter happened within only 3 days)! SEF in Viana do Castelo were amazing - fast, efficient and friendly. This was in early March 2022.
By Andre from Other on 15 May 2022, 09:08