You get to explore everything from finding wild mushrooms, storing, preserving, and preparing both the common and unusual species.
We also get to follow more than 20 skilled foragers. The book offers practical information on transporting, cleaning, and preserving their finds.
You also get to understand the unique flavours when you cook with them. The information shared in this book takes years to gain so to be able to receive the wisdom all in one book is great.
The recipes are grouped per mushroom species. There are 115 recipes in total and they include Maitake Beef Stew, Porcini with Braised Pork Medallions, Yellowfoot Mushroom Tart Soups, Salads and many other recipes. Some of the techniques used include pickling, jams and ice creams.
Kristen and Trent Blizzard are self-proclaimed “mushroom geeks”. They created the blog They have built a lifestyle around foraging. It is clear to see they live and breathe as foragers and that it is not just a fad. This is a well written guide that is sure to be a reference for many.
The photographs are beautiful; this is a book that all foragers both new and experienced will enjoy. Mushroom fanatics will rejoice and enjoy the book to no end.
Wonderful to have all you need to know about mushrooms in one book!
By Alicia Graciela Ramirez Lorence from Algarve on 18 Sep 2021, 16:13