According to the survey, commissioned by the European Parliament as part of the State of the Union speech, 87 percent of Portuguese agree and tend to agree that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh its risks, the highest value of the 27 Member States and 15 points above the EU average (72 percent).
Of respondents in Portugal 54 percent agree or tend to agree (32 percent) that being vaccinated against Covid-19 is “a civic duty”, also the highest number of positive responses among Member States.
The vast majority of Portuguese (82 percent) are satisfied (58 percent) or very satisfied (24 percent) with the way the Government managed the vaccination strategy (EU 50 percent).
Asked about the EU's management of the vaccination strategy, 84 percent of the Portuguese are satisfied (69 percent) or very satisfied (15 percent) and 89 percent agree (36 percent) and tend to agree (53 percent) that the EU is playing a key role in ensuring access to Covid-19 vaccines in Portugal, with EU averages of 49 percent and 64 percent respectively.
The survey was conducted 'online' by Ipsos European Public Affairs between 17 and 25 August 2021, with 26,459 respondents aged 15 and over in all 27 Member States.
The sample size is composed of 500 interviews in Luxembourg, Cyprus and Malta and a thousand in other European countries.
It should come as no surprise that the otherwise pleasant group of people calling themselves Portuguese, agree that the experimental vaccine program has been a resounding success. Do not forget, Mr. António Egas Moniz´infamous lobotomy originated on these shores! Oh my. But it is the virtue signaling politicians who take the lead here and dance to the tunes coming out of Brussels. Sure, it pays enormous dividends to dance like that in the form of loans to the state coffers and maybe a few large ones siphoned off into offshore bank accounts with great appointments post-career. They sure know how to milk the EU here. And so they are bought off by the elite bosses and the ones paying the conta will be the little guy that keep voting them into power. This whole episode has been an elite project and Portugal has been used as a global showcase; how it is done (obeying anything). What a waste! I have wondered a thousand times what happened to the bravest people of the western civilization, those pioneers and trailblazers that opened up the world. Not much to be seen of that spirit these days. People can no longer see clearly since the victim spirit is Lord here. How sad! But some have risen and rejected victim-hood and you see them all over the world doing very well mostly. Why are they not here making a difference? As for this so called pandemic, if the WHO had not changed definition of what a pandemic is and not removed available treatments for this influenza, had not all alternative medical, legal and other voices been cancelled wholesale, then the last 2 years would have appeared quite normal. But people no longer think critically and individually, they do not question. That´s what we are supposed to do in a democracy.
By Richard from Lisbon on 15 Sep 2021, 16:31
The vaccine is the best way of dealing with the virus. But stopping people coming is the most important thing and making it mandatory wearing of face masks. By containing in our own country is the only way forward !!!!
By J from Lisbon on 15 Sep 2021, 17:21
Mr. António Egas Moniz !
Could have been the sickest man to walk this planet.
Thank you Richard
By Joe wow from Alentejo on 16 Sep 2021, 06:07