A source told Lusa agency that António Costa spoke about these measures in his opening speech at the meeting of the PS National Political Commission, in Lisbon.
In his initial intervention, the socialist leader set a national minimum wage of 850 euros as a goal, aiming to continue the process of “convergence with the European Union”.
Afterwards, without speaking specifically in the budget negotiations with the PCP, he considered that for 2022 the “highest” extraordinary increase in pensions of the last six years is foreseen, also promising to raise the minimum existence in the IRS.
This government must be among the most economically ignorant in the Western world.
While this decision is undoubtedly politically popular, any gains in the minimum wage won't be accompanied by gains in quality of life given that the prices of goods and services will simply have to increase to accommodate higher staffing costs.
The tax burden on citizens and businesses is something that needs to be urgently addressed: not only will a reduction in taxes ensure that citizens will have more money at months end, it will avoid the externalities mentioned above.
In addition, businesses will be able to hire more workers, decreasing unemployment.
The lower the unemployment, the more competitors for jobs, the higher wages people can demand.
But no, let's continue on our historically ignorant quest to try Socialism.
Maybe THIS time it will work.
By Quentin Ferreira from Lisbon on 25 Oct 2021, 13:50
I agree to this but at the same time before they even increase the salaries as they did recently, they should also present options for small businesses who are now trying to joggling to make ends meet as bank loans for covid are starting to be paid which they didnt have a choice in doing to keep their businesses alive. while the government promised help but have not seen a single dime.
By J from Algarve on 25 Oct 2021, 20:29
Perhaps Portugal should change its name to the Land of Smoke and Mirrors. This raise is ridiculous as the cost of living will have become more expensive as well (as others have pointed out). So in reality, it means nothing much. It is shocking how so much mismanagement, corruption and ignorant policies can prevent a country from developing. These politicians fill their private pockets as much as they can while depriving the population of a dignified life. What is even more surprising is how the population just accepts poverty and lies from the government.
By K from Algarve on 26 Oct 2021, 05:52
No company or individual is forced to hire a worker. If the government requires a company to pay 850 Euros a month to a worker, it means that the person employed is expected to earn at least 850 Euros + taxes and expenses for the company. If he is expected to earn less money, he will not be employed because companies that make losses go bankrupt. The only effect this law will have is to exclude a lot of low-skilled and inexperienced people from the labor market, e.g. young people who live at home with their parents and would manage on lower wages. It will not be easy for the inexperienced to enter the labor market. Do not expect higher wages, expect higher unemployment.
By Tibbe Axelsson from Algarve on 26 Oct 2021, 06:47
I applaud Mr Costa. Quentin Ferreira's assumption that raising the mimimum wage will AUOMATICALLY mean highe prices is,I believe, misplaced. I am retired now but when I ran my company I found that paying staff a little more encourages staff loyalty and improves their productivity which in turn makes customers like us. We get less turnaround in both customers and staff so we fave on both recruitment costs and marketing. Everyone wins.
By Jim Fatah from Algarve on 26 Oct 2021, 07:32
Are there studies on the employment level effect of minimum wage rises in Portugal? In the US, those opposed to minimum wage increases consistently claim that increases will lead to employment losses. The research (which at this point is sophisticate and compelling) demonstrates there is no such trade off when minumim wages have been increased.
By Alan from USA on 26 Oct 2021, 13:09
False Headline Title by a false News Outlet
By Joe wow from Alentejo on 26 Oct 2021, 13:38
Ah, must be an election coming up...
Ah, the brotherhood of the socialist comintern. "Magic Pudding" economics - free money ! Minimum wage increase = increased tax take, daily goods and services price rises = zero sum game. And interested investors in PT go elsewhere, like Eastern Europe...
By Scott Williams from Lisbon on 27 Oct 2021, 15:19