Robin Lyon lives at Camping Alvor and has been very much involved in charity initiatives since moving to the Algarve 20 years ago. He told me he works on the European Golf Tour and him and his friends are “involved in making regular donations and raising donations through fundraisers throughout the year.” Most recently Robin Lyon presented a Luxury Christmas Hamper on behalf of staff and customers at Overseas Supermarket (Iceland) in Portimão and they have also given a Cadbury’s selection box to every child at both children’s homes. He added that “expats have been very generous with donations and I am grateful for the continued support of various restaurants and bars in Alvor for also making kind donations".
“Back in September, Dave and Suzy at The Jolly Bar Restaurant next to the Alvor Campsite raised funds to kit out the kitchen at Lar de Crianças Bom Samaritano in Alvor where they cook for 30 children. Some of the things they were able to provide were a vacuum cleaner, new cutlery, food processor and a coffee machine and we had enough to buy new Christmas lights for them.”
Rob Lyon, explained that “you can contact these homes directly, as I am sure they would be very appreciative of any small kind gesture or donations.” The website and contact details of the homes are as follows: Santa Casa da Misericordia, Rua de Alphonso Costa in Alvor: call 282 459 638 or see, Lar de Crianças Bom Samaritano in Alvor: 925 405 457 or see @larcriancas.bomsamaritano on Facebook and Casa de Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Portimão: call 282 410 570 or see
Following undertaking her university degree in English with American Literature in the UK, Cristina da Costa Brookes moved back to Portugal to pursue a career in Journalism, where she has worked at The Portugal News for 3 years. Cristina’s passion lies with Arts & Culture as well as sharing all important community-related news.