This letter is NOT about anything in Portuguese politics, more to the point...UK Politics.
I watch ‘PM’S Question Time’ most mornings and ashamed as to how the ‘MP’s’ conduct themselves.
These are the people we pay (through taxation ) to cotroll/run the country...God Help Us.
They yell at each other.
They ‘slow clap’ each other.
They laugh at each other.
They Jeer at each other.
Where has descent respect gone?
Regardless of what Political Party they represent, there is no difference.
In my ‘younger’ days the questionnaire was always given the courtesy of giving the time for the speaker to deliver his/her question. Now it is almost impossible for them to finish it.
One’s position in the reigning parliament and / or the opposition should be given the respect to finish his ‘point’ before the rest of the idiots start yelling.
I’ve seen more (via TV footage ) of respect from a ‘bunch of baboons’ how the so-called educated MP’s conduct themselves these days.
Perhaps ‘they’ should go back to school and learn some manners.
Albert S. Fannin, By email