According to a report by Público, the order signed by the vice-president of the Lisbon City Council (CML), Anacoreta Correia (CDS-PP), responsible for the Mobility department, mainly targets streets in the historic centre of Lisbon.
The order determines the prohibition of circulation on several roads in the parishes of Avenidas Novas, Arroios, Penha de França, São Vicente, Santo António, Misericórdia and Santa Maria Maior.
The parishes of Santo António, Misericórdia and Santa Maria Maior have the largest number of streets blocked off from tuk tuks by means of vertical signage.
In a written note sent to Público, Anacoreta Correia said that the objective is to “protect the city’s residents against excesses”.
“It is necessary to organise the use of public space and mobility in the city to better reconcile the preservation of Lisbon and its inhabitants with tourism and those who visit us,” said the vice-president of CML.
Anacoreta Correia said that the order with the restricted zones will, however, be autonomous in relation to the new regulation of tourist entertainment vehicles.
The creation of the new regulation was announced in July last year and is still being prepared, with the expectation that its general lines will be known soon, to then enter into public discussion and still be approved in a council meeting and by the City Council.
The intention is to limit the parking spaces for ‘tuk tuks’ and the number of licenses to be granted to this type of vehicle, in order to regulate the activity in the city.
On November 6th of last year, the local authority approved the start of the drafting of the regulation project for vehicles used for non-heavy tourist entertainment, including tuk tuks.
They should never start, tuktuk are dangerous and lots of pollution, congratulations Lisbon to ban tuk tuk
By Joaquim from USA on 12 Feb 2025, 11:40
This can't happen soon enough. It's like a fairground out there.
By Steve from Algarve on 12 Feb 2025, 11:49
It is vital to reduce the numbers of tuktuks and their parking, as it is vital to manage the electric scooters and bicecletas abandoned on the sidewalks. Pedestrian safety, ease of access to walkways, and rhe existing public transportation options are all key considerations.
By Susan Korthase from Lisbon on 12 Feb 2025, 12:13
Tuk tuks are a problem but cars aren't??? Gaslighting much?
By Nunof from Lisbon on 12 Feb 2025, 13:24
I support the reduction of TukTuks in Lisbon. The increase in numbers over the last several years is disheartening. If they allowed only electric TukTuks, that would be optimal. The noise and fumes from the others is disturbing.
By Debbi from Lisbon on 13 Feb 2025, 06:21
Whilst they are at it, can they also ban electric scooters from ALL Lisbon streets and if this is not possible, instead put pressure on the GNR and PSP to start enforcing the law about riding the wrong way down one way streets, going through red traffic lights and riding on the pavement. I will not be holding my breath!
By Geg from Other on 13 Feb 2025, 09:02
I wish Porto would follow Lisbon's example. And perhaps we could take the lead for once, and ban those infernal electric scooters as well. Neither of these forms of transport seems to offer advantages to compensate for the inconvenience and even danger that they cause to the general public.
By Mark from Porto on 13 Feb 2025, 13:59