This request was approved by the parliamentary committee on
Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms, and Guarantees and had the favourable
vote of all the parties present.
“We all know that there are citizens born in Portugal to
parents who were already in Portugal at the time of birth and who live here,
some reaching the age of 40 and something - I was able to meet one of these
cases - who have no nationality. They have no nationality but neither do they
have any documentation because their situation is completely irregular”,
stressed the communist deputy Alma Rivera in the presentation of the text.
The PCP deputy said that these people “are in a situation of
increased vulnerability” and that it is important “to understand why and what
limits and what is preventing these situations from being circumvented”.
In the application, the communists state that “there is an
incalculable number of citizens who were born in Portugal, but for the most
varied reasons, including the fact that their parents were never able to
regularize their families before their birth or that they did not have the
capacity or way of gathering all the documentation that proves it, they are not
recognized as Portuguese citizens”.
For the PS, deputy Pedro Delgado Alves welcomed the
submission of the application and admitted that other entities may be heard on
the subject.
“The work of extending [the nationality law], both in 2018
and 2020, was in the sense of trying to avoid as much as possible that these
people end up in this situation of not having access to what, from the outset,
is their nationality, which is often their original nationality. If we still
have something to correct, I think it's a good opportunity to do it now”, he
Mónica Quintela, from the PSD, also welcomed the
presentation of the application and stressed that “it is necessary to see gaps
that will need to be filled” in this law.
The parliamentary leader of Chega, Pedro Pinto, and the
deputy of the Liberal Initiative (IL) Patrícia Gilvaz also considered this
hearing relevant.
If they are in Portugal in a completely 'irregular' situation, they should had never been in Portugal in first place. Only in a land of eminent lack of law enforcement is this hearing considered regular.
By Diogo F. from Lisbon on 26 Jan 2023, 01:11