When planning to buy a property, it is really important to get the best loan. This is only possible if you know what the best offers are, which can be difficult for a non-professional. In this regard, Rui Oliveira from Decisões e Soluções 360º is proud to say that they always get the best deals for their clients.

With over 30 years of expertise, Rui Oliveira and his team have already received over 100 awards and are well-known for finding the best solutions for each client. Actually, the Lagoa branch is one of the most awarded ever at Decisões e Soluções.

According to Rui, who has vast experience working with non-residents, there are many foreigners who decide to buy a house in Portugal through credit, such as Americans, Dutch, Danes, Swedes, French, British, etc. "I would say that at the moment around 80 percent take out loans", both because they don't want to be left without funds and because it is a way of transferring the risk to the bank.

However, despite the fact that using credit is so common for most buyers, not everyone knows which banks offer the best conditions, where they end up paying more for their credit unnecessarily. This is where the key role of a broker comes in.

Huge savings

Rui Oliveira told me how many thousands of euros they have already saved their customers, which has led many people to change banks. "For example, we are now transferring a credit of 910,000 euros from one bank to another, without any costs. Regarding life insurance, they pay €630 a month at the existing bank and now they will pay €310 with better conditions/covers, so they will save €4,200 a year just in life insurance, this is what we do best."

When I asked what are the main differences between banks and their offers, Rui Oliveira said that "although the services are basically the same. The response time is a very important factor. We currently have an open channel with a bank and I can get an answer in 30 minutes. The others don't give us that. In addition, this bank has great offers, because they are a bank with a lot of experience," he said.

However, it all depends on what the customer is looking for and what their needs are. "It will depend on whether the customer wants a 10-year, 20-year or full-term credit. The amount of the down payment, if the customer wants a variable or fixed rate, among others. For example, if they only have a 20 percent down payment, I can only refer it to two banks because the others ask for more," said Rui Oliveira.

If you wish to contact them, please call Rui at +351 919 290 107 (preço chamada móvel nacional) or +351 282 356 496 (preço chamada fixa nacional) or visit their offices at Rua Dr. Afonso Costa nº 27 in Lagoa.