The ancient peoples knew the power of Eclipses in their lives and always held ceremonies at these times, and equally they tend to enter our lives like ‘wild cards’, bringing endings, beginnings and opportunities that seem to come out of the blue. They tend to change our lives forever, especially if they are aspecting an important part of your birth chart.
Pluto’s move into Aquarius
Just a few days before April begins, the planet Pluto moved into Aquarius where it has not been since 1798. Pluto astrologically represents power; since 2008 it has been in the sign of Capricorn, and this is linked to governments, big corporations and institutions that ‘hold power over us’. It is linked to a vertical structure in society, where we have a small minority of people at the top setting the rules of how society operates, and then varying stratum of other people right down to the poorer folk at the bottom. This energy has strengthened since 2008, especially in the last three years, so inequality has grown.
However, with the shift of Pluto into Aquarius the power will gradually shift to a more wider base of people. This will not happen in a week or a month, but will gradually grow from the grassroots up. This is just the beginning of Pluto’s move into Aquarius, it does it more fully in 2024 and will stay there for 20 years until 2044. So, this will bring about a major shift in how societies are structured. We will see them becoming much more decentralised in all respects, and many communities will be formed by people who may buy land to grow food and start to become self-governing. Remember this is a gradual long-term process.
Revolutionary and rebellious
Aquarian energy is more revolutionary and rebellious and we may see more of this energy playing out in the world; it is the sign linked to freedom, equality, humanitarianism, technology, science, and aviation. We will see many amazing new technologies and advances in space travel and medicine over the coming years, as well as more equal societies.
During April we have a Full Moon in Libra on the 6th, and this can bring in more action across the world for greater equality. Important legal cases may come to light now too that will affect all of humanity.
Then we have one of the most powerful Eclipses of the decade on the 20th April, in Aries. If you have your Sun or Moon in Aries you may have noticed over the last few months more success, growth or recognition in your life. This is very expansive energy for those of us with any Aries planets. This Solar Eclipse path is total in Australia and Eastern Indonesia, so these geographies may come into the news more in the coming months. It is a big New Moon, so a new beginning for these areas, but often there are important endings that come along with it. Personally, it can bring in out of the blue opportunities, especially again if you have any Aries planets in your birth chart. It can even bring people to prominence, quite suddenly. Eclipses operate like ‘wild cards’.
This Solar Eclipse initiates the shift from the old world to the new in a big way. Old structures, ways of governing, financial, medical, educational and even legal systems may start to crumble as the life-force moves towards creating a more loving and equal New Earth. This will continue through 2023, so don’t fret as you see the old ways not working properly; this is all part of a divine plan to get us to a much better place. We are now on the timeline of moving towards the prophesied Golden Age, and just a few years from now we will be experiencing that, and it will be very beautiful and very different to anything we have ever known in our lifetime.
Blessings to you all.
About Pam Gregory
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe, and Facebook with regular astrology updates.'
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website: and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe and Facebook with regular astrology updates.’