This was an aspect of awakening, potentially a shift in perspectives and seeing the world with new eyes. This was not just for that weekend but is the beginning of a 14 year cycle, during which many truths will come to light that will change our views on the world and how our socio-economic structure operates. It is an aspect where we are being encouraged to break out of old stale routines and patterns and do something different in our lives. Issues around freedom and human rights come onto the agenda in a bigger way.
April had strong energy around new initiatives, being a pioneer, starting a new adventure, going solo, being more independent and free and because of that some relationships may have been challenged. If you have any emphasis in Aries (your Sun for instance) or Libra you may have felt that strongly.
Different energy
May has a different energy where events are moving faster, particularly in the last week of the month. Right from the beginning, the first few days of May, we may again be encouraged to initiate something, start a new project, and we may see some strong assertions of power in the world too. However this is ultimately about where our own power lies. Are we defaulting to external power sources and authorities which we may have done for a lifetime, or beginning to sense that our real source of power is ourselves? A deeper sense of inner authority and sovereignty is emerging and that will begin to change many things in society. We will gradually in the coming months and years start to operate socially from grassroots up communities and collaborations rather than powerful top-down structures that have run our world all our lives.
We have a New SuperMoon in Taurus on the 8th May. This means that the Moon is closer to the Earth in its orbit. It’s always a good idea at the New Moon each month to ‘set a new intention’ for what you would like to create in your life. For instance, ‘my perfect home/job/relationship is already coming to me’. If you can put more detail on any of those intentions that is even more helpful in manifesting them.
Strong pull
We have five planets in the sign of Taurus at this New SuperMoon, and this can bring up more issues around agriculture and food production, and also some developments in digital currencies. There are likely to be stronger moves towards central bank centralised currencies, but equally people will pushback against that. We will feel a strong pull in two different directions this month of centralisation vs decentralisation, and this will continue through the year.
The energy will feel fast, that there are many dynamic events happening in the world, everything is speeded up. When you feel this, slow down. Turn off the news, walk in nature, put your bare feet on the earth or the sand, or just close your eyes and drop into your breath. Feel that you have a strong steady centre and are not being swept along by events, as otherwise your energy may become scattered. Finding a default way of regularly dropping into stillness in your day will serve you well this month, and ongoing this year. Taurus is a sign that likes to keep things slow, steady and in touch with nature. Our urge for simplicity and security will be strong.
Freedom and independence
We have a very positive aspect on May 18th that could benefit anyone with strong Taurus energy in their birth chart, say your Sun or Moon, and this can be linked to material security. As we get to the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd, the urge for freedom and independence will become stronger, you may want to book another trip or adventure somewhere. This could also shine a light on some important legal development in the world, as Sagittarius is linked to truth and the law.
On May 25th, Jupiter moves into the sign of Gemini for 12 months. This will benefit anyone with strong Gemini in their birthcharts (Sun, Moon etc), and also anyone with strong Libra or Aquarius energy. Jupiter is the planet of expansion so at some point over the next 12 months you could experience some abundance, recognition, success, or it can take the form of significant travel, business expansion or study. If you look back to 12 years ago and see what happened on one of those months in 2012/early 2013, that will give you a clue as what may repeat in some way, vortex upwards, from that time.
Overall, stillness and dropping into your centre, your point of power, is the most useful tool you can cultivate.
Blessings to you all.
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website: and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe and Facebook with regular astrology updates.’