Now that the frequency of everyone is rising very quickly more and more people are able to get in touch with the angelic realms. In the golden future everyone will automatically attune to their celestial helpers and be able to communicate clearly with them. Imagine what it will be like when we all listen to angelic guidance, feel their presence and trust their protection?
How to Tune in to the angels
Angels resonate at the 7th dimensional frequency and above so it is necessary to raise your own frequency. Several things are helpful. First find a place where you really can relax, knowing that you will not be disturbed. Being in nature or by the sea automatically lifts your vibration, so it is wonderful if you can choose such a space.
Or make sure your room is clear and the energy high. Flowers, crystals, singing bowls, sacred music, books or pictures add to the light. A lighted candle will transmute the old and raise the frequency. Dedicate the flame to your connection with the angels.
When you have done this, you may like to set an intention or ask a question. For example, you may ask to receive healing, to understand another perspective about something or for guidance. You can also tell the angels about a problem and ask for help.
It is also important to ground yourself by placing your feet firmly on the floor and imagining roots going into the earth.
Take time to breathe slowly, relaxing your body on the outbreath.
Ask your angel to place its wings around you. You may have a sense of this happening or a feeling of peace and love. Sense if the wings are huge and feathery or small and light or something different. You may also be aware of their colour.
Continue to breathe in and out comfortably, letting go of expectations and just being. This allows your angel to whisper ideas, guidance or the right thing to do, while you are receptive. The awareness or decisions arising from the whispered guidance will often come to you later.
When you are ready thank the angels and open your eyes, knowing you have been touched by an angel whether you felt anything or not.
You may like to make this a daily meditation for it strengthens your intuition and enables your angel to connect with you. If you are very close to your angel, without even realising it, you may think the whisper of your angel is simply your own thoughts!
Grahame was going through financial difficulties and knew he would have to give up his flat. He was pretty desperate as he considered his options. Then he had an intuition to phone the landlady and tell her he would be leaving and she had been very good to him. He told her that he really could not afford it any longer. She asked what he could afford and he named the meagre rent he could now pay.
She phoned him back half an hour later and said that she too had had financial difficulties when she was young. He had been a good tenant and she liked him. He could have the flat for eight months at that rent and then they would talk again.
By meditating, handing the problem to his angels and acting on his intuition, he had allowed this solution to arise.
There are solutions to every problem and miracles happen all the time.
Many years ago when one of my daughters was a student she was travelling round the world. I suddenly realised that I had not heard from her for three months. Too long. I mentioned this to a friend who promptly said, ‘Tune into your angels.’ Of course, why hadn’t I thought of that? This was thirty years ago. I sat down and asked the angels to show me where she was. Within seconds I saw a beautiful white beach fringed with palm trees and my daughter walking along in shorts and a huge grin. I said to her. ‘Contact me.’ Within twelve hours she phoned me and said, ‘Hi Mum. I’m in Thailand and I’ve just decided to come home. See you in a couple of days!’
Wow, the angels work fast.
About Diana Cooper
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 34 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not for profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 33 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not-for-profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.
What is this nonsense!
By Beetzme from Algarve on 10 Apr 2023, 13:32