While anger is totally understandable it is a fear reaction. The task of Lightworkers is to stay calm, centred and in mastery. When we take responsibility for the thoughts, words, beliefs and actions that have created our own personal situation, we can change what we attract. When enough individuals raise their frequency and create equality, love, justice, respect, peace in their own lives, this higher vibration will spread to the world. Ultimately it is quicker to switch on your inner light than to fight the dark.
A Personal Experience
Naturally, as soon as I wrote those words I was tested! I had to cancel my broadband provider, which should have been a simple task. The phone was permanently engaged, the live chat circled in a loop and I could not cancel online. I could feel frustration rising! In the end after several days of trying I crossly wrote them a snail mail letter and laughed at myself. And my guide Kumeka said to me that if I had remained calm, centred and trusting, the Universe would have arranged itself so that my call was immediately answered. It graphically reminded me that we really do have to embody and live our knowing.
What is your Monad?
Your Monad is sometimes called your I AM Presence your God spark. Source sent out aspects of His light into the Universes, and these were called Monads. They are vast, twelfth-dimension lights that are awesome beyond concept. Each one contains Archangel energy plus keys and codes of the universe.
Eventually, each Monad sent out 12 aspects into lower dimensions, to learn and experience. These became our Souls or Higher Selves.
Then in turn the Souls sent out 12 aspects, sometimes called soul extensions or soul personalities. These penetrated into even lower dimensions. Some even came to Earth, the plane of free will, which is considered to be incredibly brave. The aim of this is to bring back knowledge, information and experiences to expand and enrich the Godhead.
Imagine grandparents who live in a vast mansion with their twelve sons and daughters. They send the children out to see the world and make their fortunes, with the hope that they will return one day and enrich their lives with their experiences. The children spread everywhere and eventually marry and have children of their own. As these grandchildren grow up they become curious about their origins and start asking questions. Then they start travelling back to visit their parents and finally their grandparents.
Your journey to your Ascension, maybe over many lifetimes, takes you to visit and then merge with your parents (your soul or Higher Self) and then up to see your grandparents and ultimately to live in their house (Your Monad or I AM).
Once you are living in a fifth-dimensional way of Unconditional Love, and have merged with your higher self, you start on the journey to the summit. You are now on your way to connecting with and then merging with your Monad or I AM presence.
About Diana Cooper
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 34 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled worldwide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular online courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not-for-profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 33 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not-for-profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world. www.dianacooper.com