Netball was first played in England in 1895 and whilst it’s widely played across Europe, it is only now just starting to take off in Portugal. Óbidos is the home to the Silver Coast Sirens club, set up in 2018.
During the summer season break, the club started playing Rounders to create an activity that visiting friends and family could also join in with. Although it may look similar to baseball, the origins of Rounders can be traced back to Tudor England. Silver Coast Rounders was born, and continues to meet all year round in Óbidos on the last Saturday of the month.

Netball not only encourages the physical benefits of playing sport (there are walking and running netball teams in Portugal), but there are many social and community benefits too. Last May, the Silver Coast Sirens held a mixed Netball Tournament, raising over 1000 euros for two local Portuguese charities (MVC & Order de Trevo). This year, the team are holding a grand charity ROUNDERS match to raise money for the Bombeiros Voluntários in Óbidos.
Club Social Officer Marie McCombie said “we’re thrilled to be running a charity game that we can invite individuals and family groups of all ages, abilities and nationalities to take part in. Our monthly Rounders games are so much fun, and it’s a really easy game to play. Being able to host it at Caldas da Rainha Rugby Club means that there’ll be a bar, snacks and facilities, so we’re really hoping it can be a great community-inclusive afternoon supporting a great cause”.
Silver Coast Sirens founder Susanne Spivey added “we have so many ladies that have joined the netball team both as players and social members that have been able to create new connections through the club. Being able to run a community event like this is just another example of the many benefits of introducing netball to Portugal. We’re aiming to be one of the clubs that really pioneers the launch of it here as a nationally recognised sport”.

The Charity Rounders match will take place on SUNDAY JULY 16TH at 3pm at Caldas da Rainha Rugby Club. It will be raising funds for the Bombeiros through a 3 euro per person playing fee with mixed teams allocated on the day as no experience necessary, all ages and abilities are welcome. There will also be a fundraising raffle draw on the day and they will be collecting bottled water and snack donations for the Bombeiros.
For more information, please search Silver Coast Rounders on Facebook.