In a statement, the authorities explain that the campaign "At the wheel, the cell phone can wait" will run until the 24th and point out that using a cell phone while driving increases the probability of an accident by four times.
“At 50 km/h, looking at your cell phone for three seconds is the same as driving a distance of 42 meters blindfolded, the equivalent of a queue of 10 cars”, they add.
In addition, they warn, “it is not worth risking losing three points on your driving license”.
Awareness actions will take place simultaneously with the inspection operations and will take place at the Carcavelos toll booths, towards Lisbon-Cascais (18th), in two streets of Castelo Branco (19th), at the Coimbra Norte/IP3 toll booths (20th ), in Espinho (21st) and in Santarém (24th).
If you drive a lorry or a taxi and you are caught on the phone whilst driving you should be banned from driving for life and incur a massive fine,
No ifs buts or maybes.
I guarantee the compliance will be a game changer.
By James from Algarve on 17 Jul 2023, 20:15
Can we also clamp down and fine drivers who never use their indicators? Far too many drivers on the roads like this. Perhaps they're missing a few fingers from their hands, or the effort is too much for these poor souls?
By Billy Bissett from Porto on 18 Jul 2023, 12:20
Thank you, this is a useful and I suspect effective way to save lives. My thanks to law enforcement for this much needed enforcement.
By Jonathan Wexler from Porto on 24 Jul 2023, 11:51