The SuperMoons only happen when the Moon is much closer to the Earth in its orbit and appear bigger and brighter in the sky. They also have a stronger gravitational pull on the tides and the tectonic plates, so seismic activity is more likely, but also on our psyches.

Full Moons are usually times when feelings come to a head, and the end of the month is likely to feel particularly emotional, as Pisces is a very sensitive Water sign.

The energy particularly running up to the 8th is extremely strong so for many of us it may be hard to sleep, or we may feel very tired, dizzy, with odd aches and pains. Try not to worry about these as humanity is going through a rapid and unique evolutionary jump over the coming months and years.

Feel like a hero

We have just had a shift of the Moon’s Nodal Axis (linked to its orbit in the heavens) into Aries and Libra. Over the next 18 months, this will encourage us to stand in our courage, our power, and our sense of inner authority versus being the more compliant ‘people pleaser’ that some of us may have been in the past, not wanting to rock the boat. We will be called on to be more independent and self-sufficient, and this is excellent for initiating new projects. We are likely to develop over the next year and a half a stronger sense of self and our uniqueness. Start to feel like a hero in your own life.

Look back to what was happening from December 2004 to June 2006 for you, particularly in the relationship area of your life, as there may be some echo of that this time around.

Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other, so at the Full SuperMoon in Aquarius, the Sun is in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius. This can feel like a head-heart split being highlighted. We have lived in our minds so much in our lifetimes, encouraged by endless information and developing a short attention span with smartphones and texting. For many of us, we rarely find the time to drop into our hearts and stillness. Increasingly this is going to be important, and the heart is a subject which is very highlighted in August. The New Moon on the 16th is in Leo, so the Sun and Moon are both there, and Leo is the sign most linked to heart energy.

I was listening to the brilliant theoretical quantum physicist Dr. Amit Goswami recently, who was explaining that the mind operates in space and time, in 3D reality. However, it is the heart that operates in the quantum realm, connecting us to Oneness, to Source and the cosmos. That is why it is so vital to drop into our hearts and live from that place. That is where stillness is found too. Quoting physicist Nassim Haramein, “the heart space is the source of genius. To go to the heart centre is to go to the stillness that connects us all and where the information is present. The heart is the fundamental space for our evolution. The heart is the place from which our society will transcend its current difficulties.” Beautiful.

Dr. Amit describes himself as a ‘quantum activist and scientific renegade’ which I personally like a lot as renegades tend to be independent, critical thinkers. I love the idea of quantum activism which values love as the most powerful transforming force in the universe.

Time for truth

Much truth is likely to come to light this month, so events will again be fast-moving. Try to turn inwards and watch your breath as often as you can, bare feet on the Earth, and that will calm you if it all starts to feel a bit crazy.

The Full SuperMoon in Pisces at the end of the month is likely to be particularly beautiful but also will heighten your psychic senses. This is an excellent time to tune into your dreams and keep a dream diary. When you wake up, don’t open your eyes or move, firstly recall your dream and then you can write it down. Dreams are very ephemeral and can disappear in a second.

Notice how much lighter you feel as the months go by; we are moving from HomoSapiens to HomoLuminous, the light body, and it is enormously exciting for humanity.

Blessings to you all.


Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website: and also writes a long monthly newsletter.

She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe and Facebook with regular astrology updates.’

Pam Gregory