For the president of the Union for the Investigation and Inspection Career of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF ), Rui Paiva, the employment numbers are “clearly excessive, taking into account that the GNR and PSP already have more than enough trained people” for this task.

In Rui Paiva's opinion, the proposal to order the contingent assigned to the PSP and GNR, signed by the ministers of Internal Administration and Justice, “reveals the maintenance, in absolute terms, of the number of SEF inspectors at the borders”.

“We verified that everything will remain the same, except the managers, with the aggravating factor that the managers who will take on these roles have much less experience than the SEF managers”, added the union leader, for whom it would make sense to keep 20 to 30% of the employees at the borders to provide support “in the second and third lines”, since for the first line the PSP and GNR “have already trained all the personnel they need”.

According to Rui Paiva, keeping “the entire workforce at the borders is a cosmetic measure”.