"The BdP warns that the alleged entity that has been operating through the websites https://meueuro.com and https:// Bluorbankas.com, and trying to promote the publicity of its alleged activity in the media, does not is currently, nor has it ever been, authorised to carry out, in Portugal, any financial activity reserved for institutions subject to the supervision of the Bank of Portugal, namely, granting, intermediation and credit consultancy, drawing attention not to be confused with any other similar name", says the supervisor, in a statement.
The BdP recalls that the activity of granting credit and the activities of intermediation and credit consultancy "are reserved to entities qualified to carry them out".
"Although the entities authorised to carry out credit concession, intermediation and consultancy activities appear on the lists that can be consulted on the Bank Customer Portal, available on the Banco de Portugal website, situations have come to our attention in which the name of authorised entities is misused by third parties in fraudulent schemes, so, in case of doubt, Banco de Portugal can be contacted using the form available on the respective website or by sending an email to info@bportugal.pt", recommends the bank supervisor.
Best not to post actual links to the sites that are not legitimate. Their names are sufficient to warn consumers.
By DAG from Other on 23 Oct 2023, 14:46