There is no real 'Treasure' involved of course, the winners simply receive a small prize and hold the Silver Cup until the next year when we take it back for the next prize giving. This year we had ten teams taking part (28 people), which is the highest number we can remember having. Competitors met at "Pedro's coffee shop" (Official name Pastelaria Requinte e Tentações) in Algoz. After a welcome cup of coffee contestants were set off at intervals on their quests to find answers to 35 questions - some simple others requiring a little more brain power or observational skills. Approximately two hours later, after wandering the lanes between Algoz and Messines, everyone had arrived at our lunch destination which was the "O Foral restaurant" in Foral. A glass of Sangria was enjoyed while our judges marked the answer papers then we all enjoyed a most excellent lunch, O Foral did us proud with great food and lovely service, the desert selection offered being particularly impressive.

During the lunch we held our 'prize giving'. Main awards going to the three top-scoring teams, with a special wooden spoon to the lowest. The overall scores were:

1. Three Amigos - 29

2. The 4.5 ers - 28

3. Pistachio Babes - 26

4. Beavertail - 25

5. Algarve Navigators - 23

6. Just Nuisance - 23

7. Clueless - 21

8. The Lost Tribe - 20.5

9. Superdigg - 17 (Wooden Spoon winners)

10. Golden Oldies - (Unfortunately had to retire from the Treasure Hunt)

This year no team got completely lost though one team was unable to complete the course. In fairness we perhaps should mention that 'Superdigg' were new members attending their first CASA event and were not natural English speakers, they did however seem to be delighted with their unique hand-decorated wooden spoon (which they get to keep).

Overall we felt this to have been a very successful event, due in large part to the efforts of the staff of both Pedro's and especially O Foral, whom we thank sincerely for their assistance.

Our next club event will be a lunch at the Asia-Tokyo restaurant in Praia da Rocha on 16th November. Full details of this and all our planned events will be found on our website