The recognition of the same legal validity as that of physical documents to the documents available in the digital wallet results from an amendment to Law 19-A/2024, published last Wednesday and which came into force the following day.

This legislative change determines that "documents, titles or licenses in digital format and respective data presented in real time to third parties in national territory", through that application, "are presumed to conform to the original documents, having equal legal and probative value". is a mobile application that allows you to save, consult and share, via your cell phone, data from identification documents that are available on the app.

Identification documents issued by the Portuguese State for Portuguese citizens, such as the Citizen's Card, the Driving License, the Documento Único Automóvel (DUA) or the ADSE health card for public employees, are examples of documents that can be added to the app by nationals who have an active Digital Mobile Key (CMD).

This Public Administration application allows you to store and consult identification cards at any time, reproducing an authentic and certified image of the identification documents, authentication carried out using the Digital Mobile Key.