The protest, started around 11 am at the Avenue Doutor Francisco Sá Carneiro, in front of the SEF’s Portimão building entrance. More than 100 emigrants were present at the demonstration which intended to show how ineffective the SEF system has been throughout the last months, and even years, and demand action to happen. The inability of immigrants to return to their home countries is one of the main problems connected to not having a resident card.

The protesters defend that they have the necessary papers and point to a shortage of staff or a lack of answers as the primary cause of the lengthy wait that they must endure in order to obtain their residence cards. “We have to wait, nothing else, just wait. They don’t tell us that we have this specific problem or that a document is missing, they simply tell you to wait, every time”, Nitesh, an emigrant from Nepal who has been living in Portugal for two and a half years has told The Portugal News.

Waiting time

One of the major problems seems to be the lack of availability from the staff to set an appointment, as some immigrants have mentioned that they have been waiting more than one year for a single appointment. Daljit Singh, from India, explained that “we wait just outside the building for an opportunity to speak to someone, which usually doesn’t happen, and when we do manage to get inside they give us a 90 day processing time, and after those 90 days, we are still waiting for another six, eight months, and nothing happens.” Plus, he also added that “if we try to call, the line is always very busy and we are not able to reach them.”

Credits: TPN; Author: Sara J. Durães;

“We have been paying taxes legally, living according to the rules, and nothing has changed”, Nitesh revealed, emphasising that’s the main reason why they “are here today.” Individuals have been travelling from Lisbon and Porto to Portimão to try to get in touch with the authorities in command because it appears that the long wait for a residence card is a countrywide problem. Outside the SEF’s building, posters saying “We also have family. We also have problems. Give us our rights – Residence Card”; “We are tired of waiting. We need a Residence Card”, could be read.

Credits: TPN; Author: Sara J. Durães;

Daljit has mentioned that the inability to get a residence card is causing not only practical issues but also physiological ones. “People are feeling very depressed. We are working, we want to take holidays, but our bosses don’t allow us to take them. And we are not allowed to go back home to our countries, some people have been here for five years, and during all that time they haven’t been able to see their families.”

Credits: TPN; Author: Sara J. Durães;

Khalid Bin Walid, one of the protesters in charge of the demonstration told The Portugal News later on the day of the protest that they were told that “the main officer responsible was not in Portimão at the moment”, so there was nothing they could do, advising them to protest in front of the Lisbon parliament instead. At the same time, the police officers involved have told the protestors to “please, just wait for your card.” Mentioning the outcome of the demonstration, Khalid has said that “no positive message has been received.”


After studying Journalism for five years in the UK and Malta, Sara Durães moved back to Portugal to pursue her passion for writing and connecting with people. A ‘wanderluster’, Sara loves the beach, long walks, and sports. 

Sara J. Durães