The recommendation was rejected with votes against the independent movement "Rui Moreira: Aqui Há Porto", PSD and Chega, and votes in favor from PS, CDU, BE, and PAN.

Representing the municipal group, deputy Agostinho Sousa Pinto stated that the creation of this memorial or monument "in stone, metal or other durable material, is projected in the long term, survives the circumstances of the present and challenges those who purposely or accidentally contemplate it".

"Contemporary historical consciousness has developed, to a large extent, through a memorialistic culture", highlighted the socialist, suggesting that the memorial be inaugurated later this year.

"The celebration of the 50th anniversary of April had its culmination in the tide of people that converged on some arteries of the city and poured into Praça da Liberdade, on April 25, 2024. On that day, the enthusiastic participation of the young demonstrated that despite being legatees of a Revolution in which they did not participate, they recognize it as theirs, sharing its founding value and the unquestionable civic-political, social and cultural achievements that it provided", reads the recommendation.

For the independent movement, deputy Raul Almeida stated that the city already has two memorials for the 25th of April in the form or road names and argued that "praise for the 25th of April is done on the street".