Hosted by Christ The King Anglican Church and based on the global prayer movement, Thy Kingdom Come, the local community and local Churches of all denominations had been invited to gather to pray and to emulate the very first Pentecost of almost 2000 years ago.

On that date, the Bible tells us: ”When the day of Pentecost came they (the Disciples) were all together in one place they saw what they seemed to be tongues of fire rest on each of them, all were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speaking in other tongues.”

As modern day disciples, those that had gathered prayed for their community, their churches, their neighbours, their friends, people who do not know the love of Jesus, for local leaders, and for national and world governments. They prayed in their mother tongues – in English, Portuguese, Welsh, Afrikaans and Nepalese. The highlight was when the whole gathering, stood, linked hands and powerfully prayed the Lord’s Prayer simultaneously in their own languages. Then the lights were sent up into the night sky to proclaim that Jesus is the light of the world.

“This Pentecost: It is our hope and prayer that those who have not yet heard the good news of Jesus Christ and his love for the world will see us, hear us and want to find out more” said Rev Steven Chisholm, Rector of Christ The King Anglican Church.“ It’s inspiring that so many of our Christian Brothers and Sisters joined us this evening and we look forward to developing our ties within this community.”

For details about services, times and directions to The Church in the Park, Christ The King Anglican Church, Almancil


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