At issue is a new talent attraction regime, dubbed IFICI+, which is one of the 60 measures presented by the Government in the package to boost the economy, and is based on the old regime for non-habitual residents.
"The previous Government, in the State Budget for 2024, created a standard in the statute of tax benefits", recalled Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, at the press conference after the Council of Ministers, while the executive will now regulate the measure through an ordinance.
"We will regulate this rule through an ordinance, covering exclusively category A and B income, which will have a 20% rate for non-residents who start residing in Portugal and who have not resided here in the last five years, nor are in this moment to benefit from the previous regime that was created in 2009", said the Minister of Finance.
The Minister of Finance had already spoken about this measure in an interview with the Financial Times, published today, where he signalled that “it will exclude dividends, capital gains, and pensions, which was a problem between Portugal and countries like Finland or Sweden”.
Any idea when the tax breaks will be reinstated? I'm about to move to Portugal in the next few months and wouldn't like to be on the wrong side of the timeline.
By Damir from Other on 05 Jul 2024, 13:40
A new talent attraction regime, that is what happened the last time around, talent?
By Miguel from Lisbon on 05 Jul 2024, 13:58
When will these come into effect?
By Bill from Other on 15 Jul 2024, 17:12