Dogs love to run wild. It doesn’t seem to matter how much exercise, playtime, or outdoors is featured in your canine’s life. It wants the thrill of the spill. Outside. Sneaking off. The cry of nature. Wolf. All canines will be traced back to their beginnings. Hunting in packs, their keen noses and eyes attuned to nature. A dog at its best. The Association for Protection of Animals Algarve knows only too well. The ‘cri de coeur’ as Jenny Clarke, puts it. “Calls from worried owners, the dog has taken off.” Tearful remonstrations. Guilt.

APAA’s President has followed through with her own dogs. “They love the sense of freedom. It’s in their DNA. They’ll be back tongues hanging out, panting.” Especially if near feeding time. Or lights out. “Pack animals, without the other dogs, look to humans as part of their inner circle. Bedding downtime. Home!” The trick is, apparently, not to hit, or smack a dog on its wonder-lust return. Not that hitting or smacking animals is an answer to any behavioural problems. “If there is a hole in the wall or fence, fix it.” She grins. “The problem is the infernal gate. Someone always manages to leave it ajar.” Tempting huh? “When doggie takes off, and it is not SNiP’pd, then of course they're vulnerable to animal instincts.”

Spaying & Neutering Programme, is a sensible way of keeping animals’ reproduction down to a minimum. Feral cat colonies are APAA’s main target. “Please, if you do have pets then make sure they are SNiP’d as soon as is possible.” When doggie returns, make sure there is a door or gate open, and make sure you give them a treat. “Good boy or good girl” for coming home. And a friendly pat on the head.

Unfortunately, not all dogs that take off are loved ones. Some are treated so badly they will take off if they can to disappear quietly into the far-off distance. APAA’s other side of the coin is rescuing badly treated animals. But always hope for a good loving forever home, at the end of the rainbow. “It all costs money.” Jenny’s Team APAA are always thinking of new ideas and ways of raising funds. Any ideas?

Raising money for SNiP and re-homing abandoned animals, APAA has now finished their ‘Pop-Up’ Shop season. Their charity shops in Alvor and Silves, always have a stunning array of clothing, and goodies for the home. Special gifts. A cheap way of re-placing old glasses and dining ware. Whole services, pots, pans. Everything including jams, preserves, chutneys, and marmalades. There are always friendly staff on hand to help make choices.

Contact: Jenny at