According to the National Union of Civil Aviation Flight Personnel (SNPVAC), the emergency general assembly, which will take place on July 31, 2024, at 10:00, has as a single point "analysis of the employment situation at easyJet and measures to be taken".

Last week, SNPVAC announced its intention to schedule an urgent general meeting due to the company's lack of response to workers.

In a statement sent to the press, SNPVAC said that it had met with the company and that it expected a response from easyJet regarding the measures presented by the union "to counterbalance the disruption" that crew members feel in the operation.

According to the union, "the meeting only served to demonstrate that the company did not have solutions to overcome all these operational disruptions, lack of human resources", nor respond to the workers' demands, with the company asking until next Tuesday, the day management meeting, where a plan to address those issues will be discussed.

"Taking all factors into consideration, it is time to bring all members together again in a general assembly and we will ask the president of the Board for an appointment. Let it be very clear that no form of struggle will be ruled out, namely our right to strike ", said the union.

For the structure led by Ricardo Penarróias, "it is not sensible or even feasible to wait for a plan that only intends to be a patch, a plan in the middle of the summer that solves nothing", and that SNPVAC is unaware of.

The union also highlighted that last week, the company had financial availability "to mitigate certain disruptions" to the class of pilots and recalled that "no commercial passenger flight can leave without a cabin crew".